27 December 2018

Parshas Shemos – G–D Heard Their Moaning

By Roy S. Neuberger

“A new king arose over Egypt who did not know of Yosef … Pharaoh commanded his entire people, saying, ‘Every boy that will be born … into the river shall you throw him….” (Shemos 1:8ff) We were threatened then and we are threatened now.

As I write these words Motzae Shabbos, Am Yisroel has just passed through a very tough week.

How can one stop crying over our precious brothers and sisters shot several weeks ago at Ofra? A beautiful young couple severely wounded; their baby has gone back to Shomayim. Not far from Ofra, soldiers were shot and hit with rocks. Without going into more detail, this was a terribly painful week.

“Teves … a month of anguish.” (Book of Our Heritage, p. 299)

In a doctor’s waiting room, I saw a widely-read publication featuring a prominent, poisonous article by a Jewish writer castigating Israel. The same week we learned that the New York State Education Department has issued requirements which could threaten the very existence of our entire Yeshiva system.

“A new king arose over Egypt who did not know of Yosef.”

We are in danger. 

There is a reason our history revolves around Golus Mitzraim. We have to learn from this, because world-wide hatred against us is increasing daily. Just as all the Children of Israel were contained within the confines of Ancient Egypt, so today the entire world, including bitter Jews, is turning against us. There is nowhere to go … except upwards.

“The Children of Israel groaned … and they cried out. Their outcry … went up to G-d. G-d heard their moaning, and G-d remembered His covenant with Avraham, with Yitzchak and with Yaakov. G-d saw the Children of Israel and G-d knew.”(Shemos 2:23-25)

My friends, we have to cry out. We have to know that Shomayim is the only address which will receive our letters. We have to scream out to Avinu Malkeinu. We have to beg Him to save us. We have to know that there is absolutely nothing which will help us but Torah and chessed. We have to beg Him to send Moshiach, because Moshiachrepresents completely turning to Torah and rejecting all non-Torah values. There is no other path which will save us.

Last week, a young Israeli mother drove to Har Hazaisim to the leviah for the baby who died as a result of the Ofrashooting. On her way home, in pouring rain, her car hit an object on the road and a tire exploded. The car went out of control and landed on its side. A frum couple pulled her out. Miraculously she was saved from serious injury.

Ha malach ha goail … the angel who redeems me from all evil ….” (Beraishis 48:16) We have to know the malach is here to save us in the darkness. Friday night is dark, but we sing “Shalom Aleichem.” We welcome the malachim

Hashem is waiting to send the Redeemer. Just a little while more, my friends. We have to cry out! “Ana Hashem hoshia na… Please Hashem, save now!”

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Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at

© Copyright 2018 by Roy S. Neuberger


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Neshama said...

I’m sorry I could not post your comment, even though I’m sure YOU meant well. This is a Jewish blog and we do not post anything relating to the once Jewish yeshiva student that non-Jews worship as a deity.


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