18 December 2018

China and Russia – Operation Z Machine

Controlling the Ionosphere*

China and Russia band together on controversial heating experiments to modify the atmosphere
The countries are testing a technology for possible military application, say Chinese scientists involved in the project Militaries have been in a race to control the ionosphere, which allows radio signals to bounce long distances for communication, for decades

A total of five experiments were carried out in June. One, on June 7, caused physical disturbance over an area as large as 126,000 sq km (49,000 square miles), or about half the size of Britain.
The modified zone, looming more than 500km (310 miles) high over Vasilsursk, a small Russian town in eastern Europe, experienced an electric spike with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions. Read More: scmp (South China Morning Post)

Operation Z machine:

China’s next big weapon in the nuclear ‘arms race’ could create clean fuel – or deadly bombs
The Chinese military is building a test facility to simulate thermonuclear explosions on a much greater scale than comparable US centres. Information from the experiments could give scientists a much clearer picture of how weapons perform under extreme conditions

Deep in the heart of southwest China’s mountainous Sichuan province, the military is building a machine to simulate thermonuclear explosions on an unprecedented scale.

It’s been described as a Chinese version of America’s “Z machine” – formally known as the Z Pulsed Power Facility – a giant wheel-like device developed by the United States to see how particles react under extreme radiation and magnetic pressure.

Z machines have been used in the development of nuclear weapons, from conventional warheads to the pure fusion bomb – a hydrogen bomb that can in theory be made in any size, cost a fraction of today’s nuclear stockpile and burn “cleanly” without producing radioactive fallout.

And for decades, the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has led the way in the field.

But now Chinese researchers are trying to build a machine that will produce much more electricity to create much more extreme environments for testing weapons, allowing scientists to delve deeper into the nuclear unknown. scmp


* Hashem’s World is no longer sacred to humans.

The ionosphere is the ionized part of Earth's upper atmosphere, from about 60 km (37 mi) to 1,000 km (620 mi) altitude, a region that includes the thermosphere and parts of the  mesosphere and exosphere. The ionosphere is ionized by solar radiation. It plays an important role in atmospheric electricity and forms the inner edge of the magnetosphere. It has practical importance because, among other functions, it influences radio propagation to distant places on the Earth.

A GooD Question: If our Sun is no longer emitting light, and the PTB (powers to be) have created a **SunSimulator to light our Earth, how is the Ionosphere affected? And how does this affect the Z Machine?

footnote from Drudge:  XI DEFENDS COMMUNISM... 
Christians 'Standing in the Way' of Totalitarian Rule...
China's secret detention camps... 

**What is a Sun Simulator

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Repeat of the Tower of Bavel (this time nuclearized). When there is no fear of Heaven, there is no limit to the evil of man. May the Geula come speedily!

Reb Neuberger: Pekudei / Parshas Ha Chodesh

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