13 December 2018

AMERICANS: Blizzards and *Power Outages

Do you really know what is going on in your country?


Massive and Overwhelming Snow Blizzard (Coming) to NE USA

And this follows:

Calling it “Mammoth"! - Nearly 400,000 without power

National infrastructure Advisory Council
says we should Prep for 6 the bare minimum
in case of cascading power outages – NIAC

Americans, read the NIAC STUDY

Seismic shifts in human consciousness actively happening -- eyes and minds are opening all around, and conversations are happening, where there was before no receptivity! Record colds, record snows, global temps dropping. Yet the media flogs the dead horse of Global Warming and now publicly advances GEOENGINEERING. It will get stranger yet. And you must prepare.

IAF GSM Crop Loss Map:

IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming:

Warning Signs to Watch Out For:

VISIT: City Prepping

ALSO: thinking about how a DWave Quantum computer is designed and operates it runs ONLY at Quantum computing requires extremely cold temperatures, as sub-atomic particles must be as close as possible to a stationary state to be measured. The cores of D-Wave quantum computers operate at -460 degrees f, or -273 degrees c, which is 0.02 degrees away from absolute zero. Therefore even with NASA publicly acknowledging the EARTH HAS BEEN COOLING for 2 years, HARVARD IS SPREADING THE BLOCK THE SUN STORY IN EVERY FORMAT AVAILABE. AND THIS IS WHY.

* Planet X Nibiru continues to cause havoc on Earth. The world as we have known it, is dissolving.

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Reb Neuberger: Pekudei / Parshas Ha Chodesh

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