12 December 2018

Rabbi Mizrachi – Parshas Vayigash: Critical Moral Discussion

If you value your neshoma and want a place in the world to come, receive mussar:

Very interesting. In addition to the mussar interspersed with the parsha, the Rabbi speaks about land ownership, public space, easements, eminent domain, lost object in a Jewish neighborhood and/or a public area. [but the mussar is the best part]

This is interesting because of what is happening in So Africa, and especially in the Jordan Valley.
According the Torah and secular law, one can squat on land (and plant something) and if no one objects, after a number of years, one can fully own the land. Even if it is someone else’s property, and people walk thru his property, creating a path, without the owner objecting (or posting a No Trespassing sign), after a period of time it becomes public space and the owner cannot do anything about it.

In the Jordan Valley, this is taking place:

PALESTINIANS: “Settlement plan to link center of Israel with the Palestinian Jordan Valley: In its latest weekly report about Israeli settlements activities in the occupied West Bank including Jerusalem the National Bureau for the Defense of Land said that the Israeli Government and its extremist parties’ maneuvers continue to control the Palestinian land, as Eli Ben-Dahan of the Jewish House Party is trying to pass laws in the Knesset to impose them on the West Bank in preparation for the annexation of large areas of land.” Palestinian News Network

ISRAEL: Palestinians plant 15 million trees to seize land.  Internal report by Israeli Civil Administration reveals the Palestinian Authority is promoting a plan to take over land by planting olive trees in the West Bank, particularly near Jewish communities ynetnews

According to the report, which was written by the head of the Agriculture Department in the ICA and brought to light by the Zionist civil rights Lavi organization, the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture has implemented a plan to take over land by planting olive trees. 
"According to data collected by the Palestinian ministry, the space on which the trees were planted amounts to some 975,000 dunams (241,000 acres) on which 14.7 million olive trees have been planted, 11.9 million of which bear fruit," the report said.

In South Africa, this is taking place:

“Your Time Is Up White People!” THIEVERY and RACISM
South African Government Sets Date for White Farmers to Give Up Land without Compensation

dailywire. Economic Freedom Fighters MP Hlengiwe Mkhaliphi argued land grabs should occur, declaring: “Your time is up, white people.” Themba Godi, from the African People's Convention, echoed, "Land must be nationalized and socialized for the benefit of the people, especially the working class and women ... those who oppose want the perpetuation of wrongs of past."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are now at a time in history when the whole world is upside down; good has become evil and vice versa. This is what happens when evil takes over and turns G-D's world into a world where the wicked lead. This is what happens when being good to the wicked which always backfires and the same people become cruel to the righteous. There is a moral equivalence mentality where good and evil are equal. These two scenarios about the Jordan Valley and So. Africa are the consequences of what's going on in the world today.

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