19 December 2018

Shocking Current Events – A Warning for All Jews in the World

Shocking Events and Several Topics

ME:  This is certainly Shocking. This is a Clear and Advance Warning that Antisemitism is Accelerating and Could Get Out of Control. Don’t be Fooled. We are in the End of Time. I wrote that the “Yellow Jacket Uprising” would Spread to other Countries. Pittsburgh was the “shot heard around the world”.

It’s Time to Confront the Anti–G-D Leftists

The Rabbi described what happens when he enters the Israeli Prison to speak to the inmates, he said the guards and the prisoners are very exuberant and cheer (now listen to this) as if he was Mashiach!. . . maybe?


Anonymous said...

I am relieved that the rav has finally come out and said it but he needs to emphasize it more, and be clear that this is not just for Jews in France, but for all of the diaspora, especially for Europe and the USA. He also needs to be much more positive about life in Israel. Yes, there are challenges, but the vast majority (89%) of Israelis are happy (11th in the world ranking for the fifth consecutive year compared to 18th for the USA with just 33% claiming to be happy).

So make aliya, save your skin and improve your quality of life!

Neshama said...

The Rabbi did discuss the problems in America. He started with America. I also write about the simanim indicating that it’s time to leave the last Golus! However, my blog does not reach these people. They do not have internet. How to reach them I don’t know.

Anonymous said...

To me, at least, it has been obvious for a good few years that Jews need to leave America urgently, and to be honest I have been frustrated that it is only now the rav is saying this. You're right that he says about America too, although I feel that he could emphasize it more and the urgency. People should not assume that current conditions will prevail, by that I mean, they should not assume that all they need to do is buy a property in Israel and sit back and wait in the US for a year or two until things become unbearable. What if flights to Israel are cancelled or there is so much demand it is impossible to get a seat on a flight, or if the dollar becomes worthless, or there is mob outside your house baying for Jewish blood and the police turn a blind eye (which has already happened in the US). I don't know exactly what will happen but I do know that the situation is volatile.

Every Jew outside of Israel needs to start making their aliya plan today, passports, finances, selling their home, packing up their stuff etc. and implement it as soon as possible, within a few months at the maximum, not a few years.

Unfortunately too many Jews identify with and love their galut too much. There are still thousands of Jews in Iran, whom the Mossad wanted to bring to Israel but refuse to leave.

This is why I'm not too hopeful about American Jews. We never learn.

Neshama said...

IN FACT, in the Rabbis current shiur (posted above), he does say that if one can, to buy an apt or full home, and be prepared to flee if things change over night! To me that is a prophecy.

Anonymous said...

I listened to the latest shiur after I wrote my comment, and I am relieved to hear him say this now, even though imho it should have been said a long time ago. And I still think that the attitude shouldn't be that Jews should be waiting until the very last moment to flee overnight, because who says that when circumstances get that bad they will be able to do so? After the Anschluss Jews wishing to leave Austria were forced to run around like crazy in a bureaucratic nightmare from one government department to another to get all kind of permits and pay huge amounts of money just to be able to leave the country with the shirts on their backs. If history teaches us anything, it should be that anything, including the outlandish and the unthinkable, is possible. The writing is not just on the wall, it is screaming out in neon lights. Jews should be making aliya as of yesterday.

"Liquidate the exile before it liquidates you".

Reb Neuberger: Pekudei / Parshas Ha Chodesh

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