23 December 2018

DOCUMENTARY: Muslim Brotherhood


Journalists often take extraordinary risks in order to come up with a gripping story, and sometimes the story takes priority over family commitments. Zvi Yehezkeli, a father of five, has strong Middle Eastern features – which is not surprising considering that his background is both Iraqi and Kurdish.

In order to do as professional a job as possible for a five-part series on the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities in Europe and the US, Yehezkeli risked his life to take on the false identity of Sheikh Abu Hamza. Armed with secret microphones and cameras, Yehezkeli was able to penetrate several cells of the Muslim Brotherhood, and lived to tell the tale.

Though not born into a religiously observant family, Yehezkeli today leads a religious lifestyle and occasionally lectures on his transformation. He did so recently at the Kibbutz Lavi Hotel where he told guests that the reason that he had made the decision for such a dramatic change was that through a series of different events he had come to the realization that it was not enough for him to simply be a decent human being. As a Jew he felt he had additional obligations, the first of which was to the Creator of the Universe – and with this in mind, he had to keep the commandments of the Creator. From The Grapevine by Greer Fay Cashman

Muslims in Europe: Part 1 of 4 (Documentary by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi Allah Islam)

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