30 December 2018

EARTH REPORT – Global Food Shortages

EBT Food Assistance Shut Down USA will Mimic Global Food Shortage Reactions (770)

With EBT food assistance programs set to cease payments Feb 01, 2019 as Trump squares off with Democrats, neither willing to give an inch, it will come down to the people to decide which sides policies is correct to get the government open again and food assistance flowing again. Sudan experiencing bread shortages as the economy collapses, so this in my opinion is a dry run for governments across the world to see how citizens will react to food shortages, American style !

ZEROHEDGE: According to the Department of Agriculture, if this government shutdown stretches into February there won’t be money for food stamps. And it certainly looks like this shutdown could last for quite a while, because President Trump is not backing down on his demand for border wall funding, and the Democrats have pledged not to give him a single penny.

So a few weeks from now, approximately 38 million people could be suddenly cut off from the food stamp program. If that scenario were to unfold, there is no telling what could happen. After just a few days, government workers are already freaking out about having their paychecks delayed. zero hedge = Food Production and Reduction Chart

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The left is determined to bring down civilization by hook or by crook! They care nothing for humanity, so they will continue destroying as much as they can, and to blame it all on Trump. These are pre-Moshiach birth pangs. Rachamim, rachamim.


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