06 November 2018


Exactly WHAT ingredients are put in the Measles Vaccine?

Read the article below and then read My Experience and Thoughts on Vaccines

Did you know that the vaccine industry has paid out over $3.5 billion in reparations for injuries caused by the neurotoxins those “safe and effective” vaccines contain, like mercury, aluminum and embalming fluid? There is ONE question you must ask the next doctor or nurse you encounter as they are rubbing the alcohol-soaked cotton ball on your upper arm, or that of your child’s – “Which has killed more people, the measles or the measles vaccine?

The measles vaccine is mixed into a concoction with other “attenuated” (weakened diseases) infectious organisms as advised by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), that’s trying to rush everyone to get the triple jab (it includes mumps and rubella) in order to decrease the “chance of delays in protection” against all three diseases. While delaying “chances” taken, it sounds like everyone is increasing risk of adverse events from a massive and experimental cocktail of known neurotoxins.


Get ready to learn exactly why the measles vaccine is responsible for over 100 deaths in a very recent decade. Here are just some of the ingredients in the tri-fecta “axis of evil” MMR, MMR-II and MMRV (V for Vericella) injections:

WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (cell samples from human abortions)

Recombinant human albumin (genetically modified human blood from abortions)

Neomycin (an antibiotic)

Sorbitol (sugar alcohol that’s largely indigestible, causes diarrhea)

Hydrolyzed gelatin (can come from infected CAFO animals’ cartilage, skin, hooves, muscles)

Monosodium glutamate (yes, MSG that can cause severe migraines and brain damage in babies)

Bovine calf serum (byproduct of the dairy industry produced from blood collected at CAFO slaughterhouses)

MRC-5 cells (samples derived from lung tissue of a 14-week-young Caucasian male abortion.

The risk of getting the MMR combo-vaccine greatly outweighs the risk of just getting the diseases

Two Merck scientists confessed to fraud and filed a False Claims Act in 2010 explaining how Merck faked their mumps vaccine test data by spiking blood samples with animal antibodies to make it look like the vaccine was effective at a high rate. This all took place while the mainstream media exploited the fake Disneyland “outbreak” of measles. The result was the courts ignored the falsified clinical trials and Merck monopolized the vaccine market, making millions. The vaccine was never really tested against the wild virus. The U.S. government got their hands dirty with the “toxic cocktail” that ensued.

The irony of it all? Just like chickenpox, measles is a common childhood infection that’s typically mild and was a “rite of passage” for generations. Today, the media takes a few isolated cases of extreme measles and pretends like all children are in extreme danger without immunization. It’s all sensationalism, propaganda, fear mongering and medical corruption at the highest levels. In fact, Measles deaths were virtually nonexistent prior to the introduction of the result-falsified vaccine, which is now triggering outbreaks through what is termed “vaccine virus shedding.”

For the Years 2004 through 2015:

Deaths from Measles = 0

Deaths from Measles Vaccines = 108

Worried about diseases most human bodies beat and never catch again? Maybe you should be worried much more about death by vaccine. While no person has been reported to or by the CDC to have died from the Measles from 2004 through 2015, more than one hundred people have DIED from the Measles vaccine, according to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). That’s serious business and one of the reasons that vaccine injury settlements are kept out of the mass media news – always.


Anonymous said...

"THE DECISION IS YOURS" - soon not anymore !

Because the evildoers are working overtime to take the right of making decisions for ourselves, away from us.
And that's why they are orchestrating now all these scaremongering shows, about "so many unvaccinated children getting so terribly sick", with the help of the presstitude media as an amplification factor for all these cheep fake news scares.

And those Powers That Be have taken a person as ignorant as only possible, in science and medicine, as our good meaning rabbi L. from Israel, to be their obedient puppet there. He can ask no questions because he does not know much in science and medicine and he cannot even access information available on the internet, because he considers as a great religious virtue for himself to prohibit an entire internet with all its information.

How on earth is he supposed to inform himself ?!
The answer is: He is not supposed to inform himself at all !
The ignorance and obedience to his puppet-masters is the best qualification for his job. How else can you explain, that a government with so much hatred for Torah and Religious Jews, has chosen to take specifically him, a visibly recognizable Religious Haredi Jew, for this position ?!

And the third best qualification for his job, fulfilled by him - it is exactly this belonging to the camp of Religious Haredi Jews. And it is because, when one day the truth about all these horrible crimes of mass poisoning of populations by Vaccinations and Fluoridation, will finally become known to the masses of dumbed-down population, which may provoke an unrest among them, then the Powers That Be, who are really those responsible for all this GENOCIDE (not less!), want to be able to point down to the Religious Hardei Jews and say - "Look, these Religious Jews are responsible for all these crimes, not us ! So unleash you hatred on them, and not on us ! Go after them !".

This tactic is as old as the world, and it is a fact of history, that the most of the European, Jew-hating, monarchs had employed specifically Jews for the most dirty of jobs, like to be responsible for the tax collection so much hated by people - in order to channel the hatred of the population away from the real perpetrators and towards the innocent JEWS !

Could somebody, please, already, explain all these things to the good rabbi L. and show him, for what kind of an ugly role the Evildoers have set him up ?!


Anonymous said...




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