23 November 2018


During the footsteps of the Mashiach period
(the end of the exile before the coming of the Moshiach):

* Insolence will increase

* Costs will rise (inflation)

* The vineyard will give its fruit (unlike before, when the land was desolate) (In the past decade alone, dozens of wineries were opened in Israel. Israel has become a powerhouse in producing fine quality wine and wins awards around the world).

* Wine will be expensive (despite the abundant production of grapes, wine will be expen-sive. Unexpectedly, in the past decade, Israel has become a leader in high quality and expensive wines(.

* The government will be heretical (there will be a Jewish government, unlike the situation that existed in the diaspora, but this government will be heretical and will not follow Jewish law).

* There will be no rebuke (there will be no point to rebuking a person because in place of being ashamed of himself and apologizing, he will respond brazenly).

* The place of meeting (the place where they meet to pass laws) will be a brothel (instead of passing laws forbidding illicit relations and heresy, they will pass laws promoting them, in complete contrast to what the Torah says: “You shall not go after your heart [heretical thoughts] and after your eyes [lustful eyes] after which you are going astray.” (Num. 15:39)

* The Galilee will be destroyed (Katyushas and bombs will fall on the Galilee) and the Golan (some say it is pronounced Gavlan) will be desolate (perhaps it means that residents will flee their homes in the north because missiles will be shot at them).

* The people on the frontier will wander from city to city without any one to pity them (exact description of how the Gush Katif Jews on the border of Gaza were treated after they were expelled from their homes).

* The wisdom of the educated (Torah scholars) will be considered repulsive (in the eyes of the public), and those who fear sin (the religious public) will be despised (they will be denounced as parasites, blood-suckers, fundamentalists, draft-dodgers, living at the public expense… This has taken place under the non-stop propaganda and brainwashing of the secular media).

* Truth will be absent (moral relativism)

* Youths will put old men to shame (there will be no respect for elders)

* The old will stand up in the presence of the young (society will value youth [physical looks and vigor] instead of wisdom, and older people will strive to imitate the young)

* A son will revile his father, a daughter will rise against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law (common family relationships will be characterized by antago-nism instead of respect).

* A man's enemies will be the members of his household (family ties will disintegrate to the point that the relationship will be worse than that of a stranger, people will think their parents are their worse enemies)

* The **face of the generation will be like the face of a dog (This means that :

1. The generation will be brazen and audacious. 
2. Just as a dog runs before its masters but keeps turning its head to see where its master is going, and then switches direction to follow him, the leaders of that generation instead of standing strong before the people and leading them, will follow public opinion and change their views in accordance with the polls.
3. In the Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem a few years ago, there was a competition for the dog who looks the most like its owner. The three winners were published in the newspapers next to the pictures of their owners. Would this have happened in any other generation?)

* A son will not be ashamed before his father (parental authority won’t exist).

** I’ll add to this that I heard Rabbi Mizrachi speak about when he had to be in Tel Aviv, he said that nearly everyone was walking with a dog on a leash = Kel-aviv (calev = dog in Hebrew).

Also, when he was giving a shiur in the north (i guess a moshav or kibbutz?) he had musical accompaniment in the background . . . what was it? It was barking dogs.

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