26 November 2018


Nations Will Come To Israel To Save Crops and Feed Peoples

Israel is working to promote diplomatic relations with Bahrain, an Israeli official said on Sunday night.  Meanwhile on Sunday, Channel 10 News journalist Barak Ravid reported that the Israeli government is in talks with several African nations in a bid to improve relations, one of those nations being Sudan.

"As a leader of an African country, an important African country, a majority of whose population is Muslim, you are coming to Israel to renew our friendship and our relationship. I think it is a testament of what is going to happen with other such countries in Africa as well, and I believe that you are paving the way for many others,” added Netanyahu. arutzsheva

[The Breadbasket Of The World. In the future many nations will travel to Eretz Yisrael in the hopes that Israeli technology can help their countries to feed their people]

Effects of the *Grand Solar Minimum

Modern agriculture is at risk due to cyclical changes in our sun's output that drive climate change on our planet. This page tracks crop losses to the Grand Solar Minimum: hail, storms, flooding, drought, early/late frosts...

Canadian national TV highlights a story about the potato crop failures and dwindling global supplies, echoing parts of Ice Age Farmer’s “Spudpocalypse: Worst Potato Harvest Ever” — you tube video: .

Potato growers suffered major losses, and a lot of onions and carrots were never pulled from the ground this fall. And some farmers are still out combining their corn and sunflowers over snow-covered fields. But, by and large, cereal crops and most vegetables fared well despite a near-drought summer followed by a cold, wet fall. The hardest hit were potato growers who couldn’t harvest eight per cent of their crop.

The German association of fruit, vegetable and potato processing industry (BOGK) confirmed their press release statement from July this year, now the German potato harvest is completed and it has become clear that the expected low yield due to the drought this summer has become a reality. With only 8.7 million tons of potatoes, this yield reached a historical all-time low level.

The total potato harvest in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in 2018 will be at least 20 percent lower than last year, according to the latest estimates of the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG). The harvest for continental Europe will end up significantly below 20 million tonnes. The estimated potato production is only based on continental Europe.

Wisconsin’s potato growers are fighting to finish the harvest with cold and wet field conditions. Mark Finnessy with Okray Family Farms tells Brownfield,

If the volume of apples is satisfactory throughout the country (62,000 tons collected, more than the national target of 57,000 tons), their commercial potential is another matter. 5 to 10% of the apples harvested in French-speaking Switzerland do not reach the standards required in terms of diameter to be marketed. The cause: the lack of water during the summer.

South Australians are being urged to support local growers by overlooking small hail marks and enjoying apples and pears with a few spots and dots as part of the Hailstorm Heroes campaign launched this week. In October 2017, a severe hailstorm hit the Adelaide Hills and South East

The production of organic bananas has decreased due to the cold, and this drop has become bigger in recent months as the temperature decreased by up to 16 degrees Celsius in the coastal area, said the president of the Technical Board of Organic Banana, Marcia Herrera Reto.

A major hailstorm has hit fruit production in Chile’s central and southern regions, and although damage assessments are still being made, it seems that there have been significant losses for numerous crops including cherries.

A mold on corn has caused the deaths of some livestock in Dickinson County.
A mycotoxin called fumonisin has been causing adverse health and death loss in swine and horses in north-central Kansas over the past several weeks. Several reports have come from the areas of northern Dickinson county, southern Clay County and eastern Ottawa County, according to a news release from the K-State Research and Extension Service.

USA - Re/insurance will cover almost a quarter of $17bn Florence losses. Economic losses from Florence were driven by a combination of both direct and indirect damages, with losses to businesses, housing and agriculture driving approximately 80% of the total loss estimate, according to the report. The impact on businesses and non-profits in North Carolina is currently estimated at around $5.7 billion, with over 3,800 properties incurring water damage and more than 23,000 incurring wind damages.

BREAKING: WordPress Censors Climate Truth – Catastrophic Loss in Ontario/Kashmir – Stocks Declining.  by Ice Age Farmer | Nov 15, 2018 | Podcast
WordPress has quietly begun removing blogs speaking about the Grand Solar Minimum. This heralds a new era of absolute censorship of climate truth. Christian shares news of ongoing catastrophic crop losses, highly diseased crops in Ontario, and devastated apple orchards in Kashmir, India. As we collectively literally chew through our food stocks, we must each prepare, and start growing our own food. Start today. iceagefarmer


*What is the Grand Solar Minimum? an extended period during which solar activity (sunspots, solar flares) diminishes, resulting in drastic climatic and geophysical changes to all planets our system. These include increased cosmic rays, seismic activity, and volcanism; the latter often results in a global reduction in temperatures (see "the year without a summer”).

The Year Without Summer:
Darkest Skies in 100 Years * No Summer for Iceland * Hail Destroys Crops
Iceland’s meteorologists–some requiring anonymity–speak of a “Year Without a Summer” there, as well as the darkest June in 100 years. As galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) increase, so will cloud cover. This complicates growing, and further drops temperatures. ALSO: slew of reports about major destruction of crops by hail storms. iceagefarmer

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