29 November 2018

Rabbi Mizrachi on Different Souls – Continued Current Events

Various Soul Murderers vs Soul Savers 
 Current Events

Rabbi Mizrachi continues delving into the warnings of current events that are accelerating in the world, not just in Eretz Yisrael, and mostly in Chu”l. One could surmise that the “heat” is increasing on our enemies, a clear sign of progress into this final Golus and the impending Geula.

There is a video of hundreds of US Marines landing in the Arctic. Are they preparing for a possible war? Or is this an offense maneuver to prevent any movements toward war? [if you are interested:]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kvod HaRav,

If 700,000 frum American Jews made aliya there would be no room for all the illegal infiltrators in Israel. And they could influence the political situation for the good. I ask myself if a man who does not read is no better than a man who can't read, is the situation of American Jews who won't make aliya any better than the former Soviet Jews who could not make aliya. It's actually worse. Ein dvar haomed befnei haratzon. Soviet Jews had the ratzon to make aliya, and finally Hashem gave them their wish. But American Jews do not seem to have the desire.

I am familiar with all of their reasons (and I'm not talking about people who are really struggling), and the truth is that they are not that interested. One of the ironies is that they have to earn huge salaries in demanding jobs just to be able to send their children to a Jewish school, yet the level of the learning in America is much, much lower than in Israel. Just for the sake of their children's spiritual and learning level they would be better off in Israel.

Furthermore, the greater the number of Torah observant Jews there are in Israel actually hastens the geula. I know that they all say they are waiting for Moshiach to come and bring them, but they should come and bring the Moshiach.

There is a lot of land in Eretz Yisrael crying out to be redeemed from Arabs (and an organisation that facilitates it) and plenty of frum American billionaires. Together they can create an aliya program for frum Jews, regardless of age and health, to help them make aliya. They can buy land and found new yishuvim for English speakers, with bilingual schools so that the children can acclimatise gradually. Im tirzu zu lo agada.

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