19 November 2018


Israel Mustn't Let Its Economic Relationship with China Threaten Its Political Relationship with America
by Elliott Abrams

Doing so would be profoundly dangerous
(this is such a critical and dangerous maneuver by Israel; as the 'appetite to control' by the Chinese is unbounded)

Arthur Herman rightly and very usefully points out in his essay in Mosaic, Israel’s growing relationship with China presents wonderful economic opportunities and serious political threats. […]

Among the more significant of Herman’s details is that Israel has entered into contracts to permit Chinese firms to construct a new harbor in the port of Ashdod, and also to operate the port of Haifa, the country’s largest. At Haifa, moreover, the Chinese role will be far more expansive than at Ashdod, and may—as Herman points out—endanger Israel’s military cooperation with the United States. He cites the anxieties on this subject being voiced by some former Israeli military officers. To these may be added the recent remarks of Admiral Gary Roughead, a former U.S. chief of naval operations

Why Does China Need The Ashdod and Haifa Ports?
(is this Bibi’s buffer to Russia)

...Clandestine ... Covert...

The Chinese port operators will be able to monitor closely U.S. ship movements, be aware of maintenance activity, and could have access to equipment moving to and from repair sites and [could] interact freely with our crews over protracted periods. Significantly, the information systems and new infrastructure integral to the ports and the likelihood of information and electronic surveillance systems jeopardize U.S. information and cybersecurity. These factors might not preclude brief port visits [by U.S. Navy ships], but it would preclude homeporting and other protracted projects and initiatives.

In other words, the Chinese operation of Haifa port (for 25 years) will significantly diminish the appetite of the U.S. Navy for berthing its ships there, with all the benefits this longstanding practice has brought to Israel. Full article can be read here MOSAIC

Israel and China Take a Leap Forward—but to Where?
After decades of almost no interaction, relations between the two nations grow increasingly warmer and closer. There’s plenty of good news—and, for Israel, plenty of risk. MOSAIC

Israel’s Embrace of China Is Sorely Misguided
As China hardens and becomes more aggressive, America and other nations are pushing back. Israel should, too. MOSAIC

Meanwhile in America . . .

Industry Week: Letting Chinese corporations acquire American companies, especially energy or technology-based companies is the biggest threat to rebuilding American manufacturing. industry week

Business Insider: US plans to stop China buying American companies.
New proposals would essentially block firms with 25% or more Chinese ownership from buying US companies involved in what is described as … business insider AND 11 American companies that are no longer American business insider

Arcadia California,"the Chinese Beverly Hills".  Peggy Fong Chen, who makes a living selling high priced real estate in Arcadia, says that almost all of her buyers are from mainland China. She also pointed out that almost all of her clients pay for their multi–million dollar homes in cash. Many Chinese billionaires buy these homes along with exotic cars for their children who are often sent to American colleges. Others use these mansions for the less wholesome purpose of housing their mistresses. Whatever their reasons may be the Chinese elite are buying up American real estate to the tune of $22 billion last year alone. Video at (viewer discretion).

Video at

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