04 November 2018

Two Snakes Climb Kotel and The Dove Flees


First, the Gematria of Nahash and Mashiach is the same 358


"The reptile caused some “panic and embarrassment” among the worshipers below, until a “skilled snake catcher” was found to capture the serpent, according to the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which released video of the incident. The catcher pulled the snake from the wall to applause from worshipers and posed for photos with his quarry. He identified the snake as a coin-marked snake, an indigenous species which looks threatening but is non-poisonous."

MIRROR.UK:  The Three Signs that Biblical Prophecies about end of the world and the Messiah are ‘coming true’.

DailyMail:  Snake wriggles out of Israel's Western Wall sparking claims prophecy about 'coming of the Messiah' is coming true. Snake filmed scaring a pigeon while crawling between stone of the Western Wall. Hebrew bloggers claim the symbol is an indication of the Messiah's coming. Pigeon [Dove] represents Israel while snake represents evil which plagues it, they say. The bloggers claim the symbol of a pigeon fleeing a snake shows we are living in 'dangerous times' directly pre-dating the coming of the Messiah.

Following is a Google Translation of Segments of the SOD1820 Article

"It is clear that this alludes to Moshiach and that at the moment we are in a difficult period, as the Midrash says that Israel is likened to a pigeon that does not replace is faithful to its partner [and that one trust is my dove]. See how the pigeon immediately escapes the snake. This is how Israel is in exile in the Western Wall and what will the dove do if it leaves, and will be devoured by the eagle. This clearly implies the depth of the exile and the narrowness that the people of Israel have in it a little longer, and [then] the husband of the pigeon will appear [Mashiach]"

Moshe Held Up the Copper Snake for All Israel to See

"And Moses made a copper snake." (Num. 21:9)

"And they look upon the copper serpent and see the heavens and worship their hearts to their Father in heaven, and understand that the serpent is not a dead person, but that sin kills and the serpent lives longer. And the snake of the copper alludes to the scepter of dakkusha and is the Messiah who will really do good to understanding this understanding of enslavement to the Creator, and not as in the time of Hezekiah the king who turned the copper snake into idolatry until Hezekiah cut down - The Kotel hints at this matter of the Messiah and the Son well. The snake of the Western Wall will also hint at the time of the Seventies, which means that the nations will go up to Jerusalem (as the serpent went up to the Wall) to war, Gog and Magog in seventy grams. Let us hope that these messages will make us stronger and we will receive complete redemption soon in our time. Amen."

"The Mekhilta of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is written. His own parable of what it was like a pigeon running away from a hawk and entering a king's room in the king's parlor. East This is the Western Wall, a clear sign that the enemies of Israel are plotting evil."


By Tammy K.
The time has come - the time has come, the time has come !!! The snake with the help of women because it implies the impurity of the serpent = the impurity of the niddah in the woman ... .. Once the Messiah arrives he cancels the impurity of the niddah and then there is eternal life = swallowed death from the world. It is known that the Creator of the world slaughters the Evil Inclination before the revelation of Mashiach the ancient serpent ... ..! And it is known that Mashiach is "Nachash Dkadusha"

By Esther
The type of snake "Zaman coins" in Gematria = 694 = "Welcome, King Messiah", may he come soon !!! By the way, the snake is not poisonous ... looks like a good sign ...


Anonymous said...

A coin snake is named for its markings that look like coins. This nachash in the Kotel was covered in tzedakah - copper coins specifically, the coin of atonement (the 1/2 shekels on Purim, which are gifts - tzedakah - for the upkeep of the sanctuary, Shemot 30).

The stone that fell on 11 b'Av was reported as weighing 100 kg. The nachash appeared 100 days later.


Neshama said...

Yona, thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Shalom Neshama,
I was wondering if there was a meaning to this incident.

Thanks for this posting. I sort of makes sense.

Gd bless you.


Anonymous said...

Oh.. one more thing.. I just saw one snake.. not two..

and that 'dove', looke like a pigeon, rather than a dove.

Am i seeing wrong.. thank you again, Neshama.


Neshama said...

The article said two snakes. If it was one, the same estimations apply.

Neshama said...

One more thing. Pigeons are kosher birds; Doves are from the Pigeon Family, only they are smaller and brownish. White pigeons are also called Doves.

Wikipedia: The homing pigeon is a variety of domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica) derived from the rock pigeon, selectively bred for its ability to find its way home over extremely long distances. The wild rock pigeon has an innate homing ability,meaning that it will generally return to its nest, (it is believed) using magneto reception

Wikipedia: Doves versus pigeons. Ask an ornithologist the difference between a dove and pigeon and you're unlikely to get a clear-cut answer. The two terms are loosely interchangeable but dove is generally used for the smaller members of the family, pigeon for the larger. ..

Living with Birds

Anonymous said...

Also, the Doves are beautiful. Did you ever look at the beautiful face of a Dove?

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