03 November 2018


-In the current US debate over the Central American "caravan" marching on to forcefully breach the US border, lots of hyperbole has been employed on all sides, painting their positions in the sharpest colors.

One side maintains they are not a threat (they are still "so far from the border") and besides, they are simply poor and deprived people (carrying their national flags) who deserve to live in America if that will help their personal situations. It is simply mean and racist and unAmerican to thwart their illegal entry efforts (Are you listening; you, the four billion people out there who deserve American citizenship because you are poorer than Americans?).

The other side says that there is a legal and due process for immigration and it does not include force and threats.(I know that you will never guess where I stand on this debate).

President Trump is sending troops to the open border where a wall does not exist to impede the millions of illegal infiltrators over the years and where local security is simply not enough to stem the huge flow.
His opponents reject this move. It is probably racist or something.
What do they suggest?
It has never been clear - at least not to me.
What is clear is that they consider enforcing the border laws as abhorrent and that the unlimited breaching of it, the height of nobility.
Can't get my head around that but - it won't be the first time.

The president called many of the crowd of the would-be immigrant as a violent and dangerous group.
He pointed to the recent scene of the forceful entrance into Mexico and the wounding of Mexican police and soldiers with stones.
He guaranteed that US soldiers will do a far better job than the Mexican troops.
When asked if they would shoot at stone throwers, he reminded the questioner that stones have seriously injured Mexicans and "it won't happen to US soldiers". Will they open fire on stone throwers? Yes, he said. The stones will be treated as if they were rifles.

Wow, wow, wow!

I could not but immediately think of our pathetic, shameful situation here in Israel.
I need not offer the very long list of names of Jews in Israel who were killed directly by stones (some dropped from roofs, hurled at car windshields, etc..) and the many more that are maimed for life.

The pictures of Israeli soldiers fleeing stone throwers will be the front cover of the book, "How Palestine was won" (God forbid). Israel has long ago allowed itself to be drawn into the lethal trap that Trump is not willing to fall into.
For many more years than there were firearms, stones were what decided battles and killed many many people. This is because stones are intended to, and do kill. (Think David and Goliath).

Israeli soldiers and civilians are ordered to flee from stone throwers. Quite naturally this then led to firebombings and then firearms (many the same ones that we supplied them with the Oslo catastrophe) and as a result, we hide behind as many walls as we can build as fast as we can build them.

What is the message here?

Trump's unambiguous statement about how US personnel will defend themselves just may ignite an important discussion here in Israel.
I have no doubt about which side will take which position here but the Trump statement is very significant. He is a Gentile and an American; two things that so many Israelis particularly on the Left admire greatly (Call it the Exile mentality).

With this in mind, I remember a story I was told some years ago.
I know a fellow who was a chaplain in the US army and now lives in Israel.
In the mid-nineties, just after the Oslo calamity, the US Sixth fleet made a port call in Haifa.
Israel is the most popular port of call for the US Navy because they are treated so well and they are adored because they are Americans.
My chaplain friend was asked by the Israel Navy to accompany two Israeli naval officers to greet the admiral of the Sixth Fleet.
Wow. For these Israeli officers, this was an honor of a lifetime.
My friend was to act as a translator when needed.
All smiles and adoration, they greeted the all-powerful American admiral.
Before they could get their well-rehearsed greetings out of their mouths, the admiral sneered, "are you guys really that crazy'!?
The Israelis looked to the chaplain in horror: what did they do wrong?
Their blank looks at the admiral were received with, "You brought Arafat here"?!! Are you crazy?

There was nothing that a Jew could tell the Oslo champions that would give them even a bit of pause.
The Israeli establishment and elites were on board and very smug about it. (Rabin said of the pleading endangered settlers; "they can spin like propellers, I am not listening").

One word from a Gentile in uniform and the Israelis were listening.

Maybe, maybe we can save ourselves with the word of another Gentile (Jewish father) and save our selves the picture on the front page of the "Palestine" national victory album.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that the Gentile here is acting according to Torah Law whereas, r'l, the "Israeli's" (not Jews according to their own new translation of what an Israeli is) are sadly acting against Torah Law. Kudos to the President for his common sense and shame to those who are putting the wonderful IDF soldiers in harm's way by making them sitting ducks. The admiral in your story is also to be admired for his wise response. The Torah always has the perfect answer to everything. What a shame the world has become such a tinderbox because it seems there are very few wise men in charge!


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