02 October 2018

MUST READ: Muslim Refugees Perpetrate a New Kristallnacht

A Must Read from SultanKnish Please (link below)

Sweden: "We have Freedom of Religion here in the country."
The Same Sweden that sends International Observers to ‘observe’ Hebron, i.e. "Swiss Guard Slaps Minor Jewish Child (who is the brother of Shalhevet Pass obm)"

"We have freedom of religion here in the country. This may not apply to the right of the Jews to practice their religion in their synagogue," a 2004 article observed. A member of the congregation described reporting an attack to the police only to have them drop it due to "the absence of evidence".

“There are no signs of increasing antisemitism in Sweden, say the police. Was this not how it started in the 1930s. In another country. In another Europe. Do we want to see it again?” the article asked.

Fourteen years later, it’s a fact of life.

Sweden is not the only European country to legalize Muslim synagogue burnings.

Earlier that same year, a German high court ruled that the attempted firebombing of the Bergisch Synagogue in Wuppertal was not anti-Semitic, but a protest against Israel. The three Muslim “Palestinian” attackers had been let off with a slap on the wrist and suspended sentences.

A lower court had ruled that “no anti-Semitic motivation could be identified in the arson committed by the defendants”, instead the Muslim terrorists were trying to draw “attention to the Gaza conflict”.

(And the Nazis were trying to “draw attention” 
to the death of a Nazi diplomat with Kristallnacht.)

Oh, yes, freedom to have Kosher meat! What is next?
Swedish officials shutter Malmo’s only kosher meat shop
Health department in Malmo shuts down the Swedish city’s only supply of kosher meat, citing food sanitation reasons.

Ever Grateful to SultanKnish

This is another incident to join the others that might propel the mass immigration in 2020 foretold by a Scientist: "This means that in two years, there will be an aliyah which, according to the calculations, will be the largest yet. [. . .] this is the final aliyah and there will be no more exiles.” [. . .] 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is there even one Jew living there? They are self-destructing. H' does have a sense of humor.

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