10 October 2018

Does Eisav Do Teshuva? And Will The Chazir Become Kosher?

This is a *spirited (with no negativity implied) response" to Why America Is Doomed, with chazirim gracing the beginning of the article but not reprinted here, and the counter article, Was Eisav the Fourth Avot, as a counter opinion to **Rabbi Mendel Kessin’s latest synopsis of current events: 21st Century #36 | Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation: The Mystical Understanding, which appeared on ShiratDevorah. It is recommended to read all comments to this remarkable video. It deals especially with Eisav doing #teshuva.

Why America Is Doomed

My comment to a portion of the above, Why America Is Doomed:
The Torah (Gemara) also hints that the hazer will possibly grow a second stomach and then become kosher to eat. When one does teshuva their past sins are turned into good for the future. The concept of Eisav doing teshuva is not unfathomable, after all he is a son of one of the Avos, who went off the derech. :-) If Hashem Wills it, it will be.

Anonymous commented:
What is the reference for that please?

I answered Anonymous, but my source for my statement was not printed
and instead Devash replied:
Neshama (and all interested parties) see Was Eisav the Fourth Avot.
Anonymous, (and all other interested parties) see HERE. As you will note, it's not so simple.


Pigs and Judaism
Deep revulsion, but a promising future
By Mendy Kaminker

Today, then, the pig represents the bad side of life. It turns out, though, that in the future we will be allowed to eat it:
Why is the pig called [in Hebrew] chazir? Because in the future, G‑d will return [le-hachazir] it to Israel.13

In the era of Moshiach the world at large will be purified and achieve a higher spiritual level, so that the pig will become permissible for food. (How does this square with one of the basic beliefs of Judaism, that the laws of the Torah will never change? Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar suggests14 that G‑d will alter the pig’s physiology so that indeed it chews its cud and therefore bears both kosher signs.)
This idea appears in various medieval biblical and Talmudic commentaries, but is not found anywhere in any Talmudic-era source. See Likkutei Sichot 29:128, where several versions of this adage are cited.
Ohr ha-Chaim, Leviticus 11:7.

THE SECOND LINK PROVIDED BY DEVASH in support of her thesis, states in part, and ends in the affirmative, we will be allowed, according to the halachot presented, to partake of this animal.

Will Pig Eventually Be Kosher?
By Rabbi Raphael Fuchs

[. . .]The medrash on this pasuk says that the reason that the pig is called “chazir” is because in the future Hashem will return (lehachzir) the pig to Bnei Yisrael and permit it to be eaten. According to many Achronim the medrash is to be taken literally; pig will be kosher in the future. The Rama Mipano (Asarah Mamaros Chikor Hadin 4:13) explains that Hashem will make the pig chew its cud, thereby making it kosher.


The halacha that something that is yotzei from a non-kosher animal is forbidden only applies when the mother animal is non-kosher. However, if the animal that it came from was not actually non-kosher, its offspring will be permitted. So after pigs start chewing their cud, they will still be prohibited since they were yotzei from the non-kosher pigs. But they will not be prohibited as pigs; rather they will be prohibited as issur yotzei. Hence the following generation of pigs will not be prohibited, since the pigs that they came from were not actually non-kosher but were only issur yotzei – which does not prohibit their products.



* This is framed after COUNTERPOINT: Diverge, Discuss, Debate which appears in Mishpacha Magazine, which receives spirited responses.

** With the election of Trump as President of Edom, "liberal democracy worship, science worship and the worship of the global financial system. In short the western christian, liberal democratic, capitalist and material west” is being shredded to pieces by the Trump Agenda to "Make America Great Again," i.e. teshuva.

# In doing teshuva, this allows and concurs with, the “head of Eisav to roll into the grave of Yaakov.” Eisav did admit to Yaakov that he, Yaakov, was truly entitled to the Blessings, when they met as Yaakov was returning to Eretz Yisrael.

Also, Do we see a pattern here :-) :

Donald Trump's doctrine of unpredictability has the world on edge, by Michael H Fuchs
"When it comes to foreign policy, he desires to make America appear as unpredictable as possible. He is succeeding” [not a particularly flattering piece, one gets the point: the guardian

In domestic policies, Make America Great Again, Trump isn’t ‘unpredictable.’ He’s doing everything he said he would: "There has never been a more predictable, more steadfast or more constant president than Donald J. Trump. In public policy, he is the gold standard in staying the course. business.financialpost

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