18 October 2018

Make Israel Great Again

Today, Beersheva, the capital of the Negev was woken up at 3:35 am to the crashing sound of a giant 230-millimeter (Hamas produced) rocket shot from Gaza.

Very luckily, mom used the few seconds she had between the siren warning and the direct hit on her home to whisk her four children to safety.

Needless to say, their lives will never be the same again after this horrific trauma.

Yitzchak Rabin is finally vindicated.

He guaranteed us back in 1993, that once we take the bold step for peace and withdraw from Gaza. delivering it to the PLO/Arafat, there will most definitely not be Katyusha rockets fired at Israel from there.

Better late than never. Thousands of rockets have of course been fired at Israeli population centers causing death and destruction and trauma for life, but today, finally - no longer Katyusha rockets. Today they have their own homemade giant bombs that they shoot into Israel.

The increasingly sophisticated arms industry in Gaza, of course, uses the very materials that enter Gaza with Israel's permission and blessing.

The prophet Isiah talked about a day when "you will turn your swords into plowshears". Israel has been complicit in helping Hamas turn our benevolently supplied "plowshares into swords" to be wielded against us.

Rabin was right. The Katyusha days are over.

Then there was Shimon Peres, the spirit behind the facade of Rabin to create "the new Middle East."

As we left parts of Gaza in 1993 - 4 ( before the total abandonment and expulsion of Jews there in 2005 by Sharon), our peace partners began shooting homemade Kassam rockets into Israel.

This represented the earliest stage of the local terror arms industry.

They were unsophisticated and cheap to make but lethal when they found a target. The simple rockets have succeeded in killing Jews and destroying families in neighboring Sderot.

Shimon Peres thought that "the right" was making too big a deal about this threat. He famously derided them and scoffed, "Kassam - kashmam". You are simply afraid of peace and trying to scare the public"!

Peres is now proven right as well. No more Kasams or kashmams.
Now we have something very much more serious to fear.

If you told Rabin or Peres six months ago that half the Negev forests and farmlands would be burnt down by incendiary balloons from Gaza they would have assured us that that was simply the product of alarmist, paranoid - anti-peace fanatics.

The same answer would be given by Ariel Sharon who completed the dastardly work of Rabin and Peres. He too promised us, with the smug certainty of the security expert that he was supposed to be (like Rabin) that "not one missile will ever fly again from Gaza" once we expel ten thousand Jews and deliver their homes and synagogues to the terrorists.

Of course, the motives of these shameful politicians were different and yet similar;
Similar in that they thought it would advance their political careers.

Peres pinned his huge ego and hoped for a legacy on this extremely dangerous gamble(which hitherto was advocated only by the extreme Left in Israel). He was going to be the man who finally brought peace to Israel. And if he failed, he would always find someone to blame.

Rabin was convinced by Peres.

Sharon simply wanted to keep himself and his sons out of jail as investigations into their corruption menacingly closed in around them. They needed a sympathetic Left (in the media and judiciary) to stay out of jail. In this, they calculated correctly.

Meanwhile, the rockets come over in their thousands and are continuously getting bigger and more sophisticated.

The Negev is burning. Children do not sleep at night and can not function in school the next day. Parents sleep with one eye opened and with their shoes on.
But hey..kassam kashmam.

Maybe it was not such a hutzpa on my part to have questioned our great leaders after all.

So what now?

I don't know exactly but I kind of think might be time for making Israel great again..?

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