14 October 2018


The Following is From Green Valley Natural Solutions 

You Need to Protect Yourself from EMF Exposure

If you’re like most people, you have a bunch of appliances in your home, like a refrigerator, microwave and dishwasher. And chances are you’re using some kind of electronic device right now to read this.

What all these have in common is they emit EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies). So does the smart meter installed by your electric company, your hair dryer, even your wall outlets.

This raises an important question – is there a point where too much exposure to EMFs becomes dangerous?

The Canary in The Coalmine

There’s a growing group of people who would give you a resounding “yes.” These are folks who suffer from EHS… electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

And no, it’s not all their heads, and they’re not crazy. This is a real problem – and I have evidence it’s about to get much, much worse as 5G wireless networks are installed. I recently heard a retired college professor with a Ph.D. in biochemistry from CalTech offer explosive evidence that we’re all in big trouble. The whole world.

Meanwhile, a small number of people have the misfortune to be the canaries in the coalmine. They’re already sick from EMFs.

People with electromagnetic hypersensitivity experience a variety of unpleasant symptoms whenever they’re exposed to EMFs. These symptoms vary from person to person.

For some it’s tingling and burning sensations, headaches, dizziness, or brain fog. For others it’s nausea, digestive trouble or chronic fatigue. Some people experience sleep problems, heart palpitations, or problems with their memory or concentration.1

Unfortunately for these folks, most of the scientific community doesn’t recognize EHS. But for EHS sufferers, it’s a serious problem. Some people’s symptoms are so serious they can’t tolerate environments where there are cell towers or Wi-Fi use. That makes it almost impossible for them to hold down a job.

How to Protect Yourself

I’ll make a wild guess that you are not in a position to move to West Virginia and you may be interested in other ways to reduce your EMF exposure. But eliminating Wi-Fi and your cellphone and tablet use can be a tall order, too (I know, because I’ve thought about it for several reasons, including not only EMFs but privacy, too).

Still there are some things you can do to help protect yourself from EMFs without completely giving up your modern conveniences. Consider these steps:

  • If you use a laptop, don’t put it directly on your lap. Put it on a pillow on your lap instead.
  • When you use your cell phone, put it on speaker and hold it away from your head.
  • If you use a blow dryer, try to use it less.
  • Make your bedroom an EMF quiet zone. The best thing to do is to keep your cellphone out of your bedroom. If you must have it near you, turn off the Wi-Fi or put it on airplane mode while you sleep.
  • Turn off your home’s Wi-Fi altogether when you go to bed.
  • Put a wireline phone in your home and use it when you can, instead of your cell.
  • Check with your electric company about replacing your wireless meter with an old-fashioned analog meter (if the numbers on your meter are a digital display, it’s a wireless meter)

If you start to feel some of the symptoms described earlier in this article, see if you can pinpoint them to times when you use products that emit EMFs. If you can, it may be a good idea to make your entire home an EMF quiet zone.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suffer from EMS. The problem is not just your own stuff, I rarely speak on my cellphone, use regular internet (without wifi), no microwave, but the router/modems and cellphones of neighbours/people around you. I can feel it from distances too. Travelling in a car with someone speaking or even just messaging on their phone is a nighmare, ditto elevators, they're actually the worst. And it's pretty much everywhere, even on Mount Everest.

It would be nice if people took it seriously. What you can do to protect yourself and be considerate of sufferers is to turn your modem off at night, shabbat/chagim and when there is nobody at home, and try not to use your phone in a vehicle, and absolutely not in elevators.

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