11 April 2018

What’s The Difference?

GAZANS: "tear the Israeli's hearts out of their bodies.” 

"'Journalist' killed on Gaza border - [was] a senior Hamas terrorist
Security officials say man killed during Gaza border riots was a senior figure in Hamas terror group - not a journalist." arutzsheva

Arab media outlets described Murtaja, a resident of the southern Gaza city of Khan Yunis, as a “photo journalist”, and said he had been killed by IDF fire. Israeli security officials pushed back on the claim, telling Walla! News that Murtaja was in fact a long-time member of the Hamas terror group. The sources told Walla! Murtaja held the rank of Neqqib, or Captain, in Hamas. 

“For years he served as an officer with the rank of Neqqib in Hamas’ security forces in the Gaza Strip,” the sources said.
“He was an activist who was involved with activities as part of [Hamas’] security apparatus on a daily basis, and provided a great deal of aid for their activities.”

Israel Uncensored: ​"Great March" is Attempt to Destroy Israel

(first half on Gaza, rest on Dr. Yoni Yehuda an Israeli psychologist, who treats PTSD IDF)

"For the past two Friday's Hamas has been holding violent rallies at the Gaza border ​featuring infiltration attempts into Israeli territory. While IDF forces have done what's necessary in defending the communities of the south, the EU, UN, and others are calling for the opening of probes against the Jewish State. On today's Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten discusses how Hamas claims - when speaking in English to the international press, that their demonstrations are peaceful."

However in Arabic they admit the true goal of these events are to – in their words:

"tear the Israeli's hearts out of their bodies.”

* * *
SYRIA:  Mass Murder via Poison Gas

Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said on Monday:

“Only a monster targets civilians and then ensures that there are no ambulances to transfer the wounded. No hospitals to save their lives. No doctors or medicine to ease their pain. I could hold up pictures of all of this killing and suffering for the Council to see, but what would be the point? The monster who was responsible for these attacks has no conscience, not even to even be shocked by pictures of dead children,” Haley told the council, which was meeting to discuss Saturday’s deadly attack in Douma”

"The attack . . . involved Syrian government warplanes, and according to monitoring groups, included the use of sarin nerve gas. As many as 150 people were reported dead with 1,000 more injured from the suspected chemical weapon attack."

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