18 April 2018

Shalom Pollack – Chag Sameach!

[There is so much happening today, I am posting a lot.]

In Jerusalem today, school children wore white as they attended memorials for our soldiers this memorial day.

At 11:00 am, as the siren was heard. all stood in solemn respect for the beloved fallen in the defense of our land and existence.

Unlike in other countries including the one in which I was born, it is not a day of major shopping, sales, sports or picnics.

Almost 23,000 military and almost 3,000 civilian terror victims with many more maimed for life( and all the accompanying families that will never be the same), is the human price we have paid for our existence in our land.

In this very small country, just about everyone knows someone directly affected by the continuing Muslim assault upon us.

It is nothing personal - its just that we are part of a group marked for destruction by that other group.

My cousin was not chosen for any personal reason when he was butchered while praying in a Jerusalem synagogue three years ago.

Jerusalem Arabs who worked on the street of the synagogue attacked the men at worship and butchered five of them. Where they lived, in their Jerusalem neighborhood, just next to mine, the murderers are still considered heroes and their faces could be seen on every wall.

Cousin Aryeh is now one of the statistics we refer to as the "human price". His family will never be the same and will never develop as they were meant to.
I guess I too am now a tangent member of the ever-widening "family of bereaved".

Last week, we stood in silence in the memory of other Jews who were targeted for extinction - in the Holocaust.

Then, it wasn't Arabs or Persians but Europeans targeting us. It wasn't about land or religion. It was about DNA.

Today many of those Europeans are helping the Arabs to delegitimize, boycott, defame, restrict and otherwise harm the Jewish state.

I guess perspective is important.

We have come a very long way.

The Germans and their helpers killed ten thousand Jews a day. The Arabs have managed to kill only two and a half days worth of those Holocaust numbers in seventy years. Not that they do not try very hard. It's just that today the Jews are armed.

Which people have ever had to go through what we did and then bounce back like a Phoenix from the sand and soar, leaving behind the world in awe?

Now just imagine this: Families of Concentration camp Nazi SS guards that were killed in the war meet with the families of their Jewish victims. The purpose is to finally acknowledge the suffering of both sides.

Absurd? Insane? Repulsive?

Well last night, as Israel mourned the victims of Arab terror, such as butchered cousin Aryeh, some Israelis invited the families of the murdered victims for such a meeting.

Don't you know, the literary and intellectual elites backed up by the supreme court gave it their enthusiastic seal of approval.

The message is clear: there is no good or evil, no right or wrong, no victim or perpetrator.

Sounds like the first lines of the constitution of Sodom and Gomorrah.

And Israel's elites and media actually debate the pros and cons of this perversion..!

Happily, the vast majority of Jews do realize just how crazy weird this is.

Yes, we have come a very long and marvelous way but there are diseases very deeply embedded in some of our people - the 2,000-year-old Stockholm syndrome if you will. It may take some more time until we are all fully recovered and the poison is washed from our system.

Meanwhile, we are six and a half million strong, We were six hundred thousand when we first battled for our country in 1948.

We have come a long way!
Not bad.

We are coming home. 
We are building the most amazing country in the world.

Tomorrow is our seventieth Independence day

Chag sameach!


Anonymous said...

The part where you write about the murderers' families meeting with the victims' families. Sorry, those meeting with the butchers' families are NOT Jews. We know already about the unsupreme court, and to have this occur on 'Yom HaZikaron' is pure evil. No Jewish family would meet with them. History is repeating itself because all the ancient evils and evil doers have been reincarnated for this last generation before Moshiach, so at the end, they will once and for all be finished. H' will finish them. Sodom and Amorah are again alive and now they're not just cities but the wide world which has become completely corrupted. It should be obvious to all!

Neshama said...

The writer is Shalom Pollack, not me, as stated. His address is included if you want to contact him.

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