28 November 2017

Parshas Vayishlach Message from Nir ben Artzi ENGLISH

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita
Parashat Vayishlach 5778
Sunday, 25 November – 8:30
[comments welcome]

King of the Kings of the Holy Kings - Blessed is He - all that is in the earth, human beings - Jews and Gentiles, [wild] animals and [domesticated] animals, fish and birds, trees, earth and water - all know that there is the Holy One, Blessed is He, who runs this world! Religious and non-religious, believers and non-believers - all of them have an inner knowledge planted by the Holy One Blessed Be He who created them, there is no explanation. The Jews said, 'We shall do and we will hear' - the Holy One, blessed be He, chose them, gave them the Torah and gave them a soul, to this day. The Holy One, blessed be He, gives the whole world a little bit of thought that the Land of Israel belongs only to the Jewish people! And to all the Arab countries gives wisdom, wisdom and knowledge that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people!

You see that the Arab states are falling apart around Israel and that every country, or country that loves the State of Israel, is successful and prosperous. The whole world knows and believes that the Land of Israel belongs to Jews and that Am Yisrael is protected and guarded. The whole world is interested in 'How does nothing happen in Israel?' There are fires, earthquakes, floods, wars and heavy rains in [the whole world, but in] Israel and the whole world - nothing! The Land of Israel is protected and guarded in the heavens and in Israel, and all the keys to the world begin to be opened from the holy land of Israel, from the Jews who live in the Holy Land of Israel. All the start-ups, patents and technology - from the Jews in the Holy Land! The whole Torah, the light of the Torah and the prayer - from the Holy Land of Israel! The Holy One, blessed be He, tells the world: 'Without the holy Land of Israel, without the Divine Presence in the Land of Israel, without *Torah and prayer, the world will not exist. I chose the Jews in the holy land of Israel to take care of all the seven and a half billion people in the world, [wild] animals and [domesticated] animals. “

The Palestinians, Hamas, Jihad and Fatah are interfering for nothing - all the arguments between them - only on money, because their evil bosses take all the money into their pockets, so that the Gaza Strip has nothing to eat, and all their quarrels with Israel are just for nothing. "They get hundreds of millions of dollars", that's their job, they do not care about the civilians in the Gaza Strip, they care about pocket and themselves.

Hamas is the seed of Amalek. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not love Amalekites. They dig and dig a lot of tunnels, try to reach a military base in order to kidnap and humiliate IDF soldiers, and release many terrorists from prison.

In the Gaza Strip tunnels are dug and the Holy One, blessed be He, shows them and reveals them, and the Holy One, blessed be He, helps when a person cares.

The Palestinians, Hamas, Jihad and Fatah, whose hearts will be destroyed and their bowels will break, will kill each other, like mice, digging and digging - danger.

The Israel Defense Forces must blow up every tunnel that reaches Israel - immediately!

Europe is in an economic, political and social confusion, a complete mess. The refugees occupy all of Europe and the appetite continues. When the last Jew leaves Europe, the infiltrators will stop coming.
Iran can stay where it wants against the borders of Israel, nothing will help it. Just as the Creator of the Universe destroyed Syria, Iraq, and so on ... so Iran - next in line, is next in line. The IDF knows exactly where the Iranians are holed up and where Hezbollah is, and the IDF blows them up and continues to blow up. The goyim must understand: every missile of an airplane or shell of an Israeli tank fired by the IDF in the direction of the enemy receives the help of heaven and becomes ten and twenty times its strength.

Syria has a delusional peace. There will be no peace, no basis. There will always be killings and explosions. As if they have achieved peace - talk is not performance. Turkey, Iran and other countries all boast that they have achieved peace – have [actually] achieved nothing.

Egypt, Sisi is a good man, very fit to be president of Egypt. Sisi has to deal with Egypt and be a partner of honesty and truth with the State of Israel. Only the State of Israel can save Sisi and all of Egypt. Sisi, not believing Hamas, Jihad, Abu Mazen and the Palestinians, all turn in love with the enemies.

Jordan is waiting for Trump to do something.

Russia, Putin does not intervene, he knows there is no regulation in the Middle East. The main thing is that he sells arms and ammunition. Putin loves the Jewish people in the Land of Israel and keeps them quiet. He has ties with Arab countries and he does not want to interfere with the issue of a Palestinian state. Putin knows [understands] and knows the Bible by heart, knows that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and knows that when the Jews are in the Land of Israel - there is abundance to the world.

Iraq is destroyed and [was/will be] destroyed.

Turkey has become a state of Hamas and Da'esh, there is no culture, there is chaos, Erdogan is bound, Da'esh rule it.

Iran is scared to death to harass Israel directly; knows that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is defending Israel and will strike Iran hard. Iran and the goyim know that the Israeli Air Force is the best in the world. Heavenly angels are connected to the Jewish pilots who go to bomb all over the world, know that angels are connected to all the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, on land, in the air and on the sea!

Hezbollah and Nasrallah - the ground will open its mouth and swallow them up. Nothing will help them. They have old ammunition, all of them mercenaries, they have no law and no judge.
Lebanon does not want war, they want to enjoy life.

In [the] Holy Land, the economy is very good, science and technology, higher education, abundant real estate and the best agriculture in the world. [The] Holy Land is developing and growing, tens of thousands of Jews come and there are another million Jews in the pipeline to Israel, as filled with [as] a pomegranate, everything is blessed in the holy land of Israel. [D]ear Jews, houses - to buy only in the holy land of Israel - to settle - only the Holy Land of Israel - it has the essence of the whole world.
The Creator of the Universe asks the rich to give money in abundance, so that they may be blessed by the mouth of the highest.

Dear parents, educate [teach] your children to stay away from gambling, alcoholism, assimilation and drugs, [and] a new blow [a makah like in Mitzryim] - the smartphones. Children aged 9; 10; 11 and more, see the most difficult things that actually ruin their lives, and a pity.

All the lewd people, the scammers, the crooks and the thieves - will all be caught naked. Repent - half or a quarter of a problem. Everyone thinks that if you do not see him in this world, then you do not see him in the sky either. Dear Jews come to renew [return in **teshuva] you:  The Creator of the world sees every person, even in hidden secrets, and then discovers him, there is no one who has not been revealed. [If] He will do teshuva - they will not find out. [If he] Will not do an answer  [Teshuva] - [he] will discover in the near future.

Moshiach lives in the Holy Land, was born in the Holy Land and has a wife and children. Moshiach does not sleep night and day, Moshiach works night and day. At night - the soul - the unit [Yehida] works, the day - the body works, protects [guards] and protects the people of Israel, giving knowledge and wisdom to the Jews. The Holy One, Blessed is He, gives knowledge and wisdom through the Messiah, and through the Messiah he activates all of Israel. Everyone believes there is a man of G–d who protects [guards] and protects the Land of Israel. A protective cloud, a cloud of fire guarding the borders and the Holy One Blessed be He, a heavenly shield from all the borders of the Land of Israel, protects and preserves all Yehudi and Yehudia [Jewish men and women] who make an effort to protect themselves, who walk honestly and truthfully, and fulfill the Ten Commandments.

After we wrote about the vision of the rabbis in Israel about the revelation of Mashiach and who the Messiah is - every rabbi in Israel [is] waiting for a vision, they took it seriously. Even those who mocked, in their hearts are afraid and reflect, feel that something is happening; it is not a game, there was no such message from the beginning of the world.

Good news! Rachel's pain in front of Leah is over! The pain of Rachel and Leah [***this is kabbala] is over and now they are working together, in cooperation, to pray to the Holy One, Blessed be He, that the Rabbis of Israel and Torah giants accept this vision immediately and have the confidence and courage to publicize and speak. No matter which sect he is. They will clearly see the sentence:

"I, the Lord, command you to say and vote [choose] for the King Messiah, our righteous ness, the man of G–d whom the Lord has chosen!”

They will clearly show who he is, his name, his mother's name and where he lives. There will be no doubt who he is! The vision given by the Holy One, blessed be He, is so clear, very clear! Let them not wait.

Tair Neri

my clarifications are in [brackets]
*this, in my estimation, relates to the “Bochrim” and “sitting and learning” that is vital to Eretz Yisrael.
**the Teshuva of Rav Elchonon
*** [this is entirely my addition] in Kabbala, Leah and Rachel represent special elevations. "The Lubavitcher Rebbe (quoted in the Gutnick Chumash) […]. He saw Rachel as representing tsaddikim gemurim, hence her beauty of appearance and stature. Leah, on the other hand, represents Baalei Teshuva. That is why she cried a lot. It is for this reason that, as Rashi points out, everyone thought that she was an appropriate wife for Eisav. Like Eisav, Lea went out, a trait that "came out" in her daughter Dinah. That is a trait of Baalei Teshuva who actively seek to cause others to become Baalei Teshuvah. Underlying this approach maybe is the Kabbalistic tradition that Leah is higher than Rachel and the statement (Brochos 34) that in the place in which Baalei Teshuvah stand, tsaddikim gemurim cannot stand.


Tomer Devorah said...

There are several possibilities in my mind, but based on this description, I'd say it is Eli Yishai.

"Yishai was born in Jerusalem in 1962,....Yishai is married and has five children.

He has done so many good things for Am Yisrael behind the scenes and out of the limelight. He was a soldier, has a solid yeshivah education and a lot of experience with politics. He is probably the only honest politician we have, faithfully following the da'at Torah of HaRav Mazuz, shlita.

Neshama said...

Where does it say Yishai?
Maybe you are wishful guessing?

It only says, "Moshiach lives in the Holy Land, was born in the Holy Land and has a wife and children.”
Since it says “children” it could not be Meir Ettinger, because he only has one child; and I doubt it is the Breslover, and that also eliminates Jonathan in NY.

It could be someone we would never guess that it could be Mashiach. A surprise.
That’s what I think. If not Sir Artzi, then it’s a big surprise to everyone. A mysterious Neshoma.

I read somewhere that Mashiach could be (and this is how he described him) someone involved in music and singing, a wanderer. That’s the best I remember from what I think I read. The singing and wanderer brings to mind Dovid ben Yishai, who was a dreamer, a shepherd, out in the field where he could sing and create poetry, such an elevated soul.

Thanks for commenting.

Neshama said...

Doesn’t there have to be a war after which Mashiach becomes known?

Anonymous said...

I think he is really referring to Moshiach Ben Yosef. Moshiach Ben Dovid will not be revealed by anyone, because believe it is strictly a Divine process. Dovid was anointed by Shmuel Hanovi who was the only one who knew who the king will be. Maybe it will be Eliyahu Hanovi who will declare who MBD is.

Johun said...

While it is clear that at this point we can only speculate as to who Moshiach is,it should be pointed out that Rav Nir ben Artzi's followers clearly consider him to be Moshiach!
A singing religious jew with a wife and several children is unlikely to leave them behind whilst wandering around the countryside!!
He is most likely a devout,religious man--but not utra-orthodox, since he would not be accepted by the vast majority of the unorthodox yidden.It is the ultra orthodox who may well be the ones to reject him,initially.

drbsd said...

Thank you for the translations

Neshama said...

Sorry, Devash.

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