15 November 2017



UPDATE: MK Eichler: Too Much Violence And Too Many Arrests On The Jerusalem Light Rails MK Eichler YWN In light of the violent incidents on the light rail, and following numerous requests to the Public Inquiries Committee, the Knesset Ombudsman Committee met with the directors of CityPass, which operates the Jerusalem light rail. During the course of the discussion, many questions arose regarding the treatment by the inspectors and police officers. Among other things, the passengers who paid for the trip, and because they did not validate the ticket when entering the train, their bank account was fined directly in the amount of 360 NIS.
“Something bad happens on the light train, and in the last incidents that were filmed, the inspectors and the police behaved like wild animals, shouting and humiliating and tying people as if they were terrorists and knives. You are responsible for what will occur on the light rail in the future.”


Without Concern For His Hysterical Children With Him Who Had To Watch Their Father Mercilessly Being Thrown To The Ground 
As seen on Yeshiva World News

Why was this police man smiling??


Anonymous said...

What was the point of posting this video?

Neshama said...

THE POINT IS why did the police have to beat up a passenger (an elderly Frum Jew) because allegedly he did not pay his fare? I find this behavior reminiscent to tactics used in Germany against a people being singled out. Why didn’t the Jerusalem police just issue him a ticket? We have not read or heard what transpired prior to the police attacking this Jew, with his children watching in fear and panic!!

Why you ask is astonishing!

Did you not see what happened to another Jew in NY when he failed to stop at the signaling of the Highway Police; when they accosted him, threw him to the ground, and handcuffed him?? Why was he not given a ticket instead of being attacked? He didn’t attack the Police?

If you don’t see anything wrong with these incidents, something is wrong with you.

Real News said...

Neshama, I agree with you. The police behaved like animals. Nevertheless, what constructive purpose of posting this video on your blog?

Neshama said...

And I’d like to add this:
"Jerusalem Bus Driver Shouts And Spits At 10-Year-Old Child On Bus [VIDEO]”
Children deserve better treatment, just BECAUSE they are children and have enough difficulty navigating in the world how it is now.
"The driver is an Arab. No question about that. Anybody that lives in Israel can easily hear his Arabic accent. For the life of me, I can’t understand why the bus companies risk the lives of thousands Jews every day by hiring Arab bus drives to service our routes. I dread the day an Arab driver uses the opportunity to kill a bus load of Jews by driving the bus over a cliff or the like, Chalila V’Chas!
Furthermore, I have experienced more than once an Arab bus driver who is both rude and easy to anger. That doesn’t mean that all Arab drivers are bad or dangerous. However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish whose who and what their true feelings are towards Jews. I have no problem hiring Arab drivers to service Arab routes or for tourist buses, but for intercity buses or lines that travel over bridges or near cliffs it’s suicidal and irresponsible in my mind!
As far as all those above crying, “One sided story!”, consider that it is unlikely that the bus company would fire him so fast without having heard the other side and having investigated the incident. Doing unjustly so would open opportunity for a big law suit which I’m sure they would not be interested in. Also, if there was any question involved they could have put him on temporary paid leave of absence until the case was fully investigated. Obviously, the was an open and shut case. Clearly “Bad Driver” with unprofessional and dangerous behavior!"

Anonymous said...

First, I don't understand why my comment of today was not posted. But, I wholeheartedly agree with you Neshama on your above comments. Absolutely right! It seems even the Jewish citizens in Israel forgot where they are living, they are living in their native homeland which is the Jewish homeland and yet they don't DEMAND from the feckless leadership that Arabs should not be allowed to be drivers of the public transportation, nor in the employ of any type of business where they can possibly be a danger. They forgot that they are at war and these are the 5th column. The deJudazation is speeding up and this is a catastrophe. This has become a very sick world where all common sense, sanity and righteousness is being discarded at lightening speed. H' y'rachem!

LondonMale said...

The police are very heavy handed and I fail to see why so many police are needed to arrest one man.
I have though advocated the abolition of tickets, also in London.
Much simpler to just raise local taxes a little, and have free public transport.
No need to have ticket inspectors, or to waste resources printing tickets.
Those too poor to pay tax would not pay, and so be given a helping hand by getting to their low paid jobs.
It would also encourage more people to use public transport and so reduce pollution, possibly reduce congestion a bit too.

mg said...

I know I am going to be attacked for asking this, but why didn't the guy pay his fare? Or is this really what happened? This story is one-sided. Before we pass judgement we have to check both sides. And please, we have to stop comparing the actions of Jews to Nazis. It is inexcusable, IMO.

I pray for the children.

mg said...

Also, why is he struggling??????????? Very stupid. NEVER, NEVER resist arrest.

Shuki said...

Correct it is NOT known what transpired. He obviously got caught by the Transit Police without a ticket. He probably said something and the officer called the real police. True, police brutality is becoming more common world wide. A sign of the times.

The second comment about who is hired is excellent. Very true and troubling to say the least. I have seen nut cases driving the buses here but that does include Jews. Bad driving is one thing, but terror is another.

Neshama said...

Mordechai, with all due respect, it’s my blog and I post what I want. I wanted to show how people should be given more respect. Especially since this man was not well, and all the “officers” did was exacerbate a problem situation into a fiasco. The x-wife came to explain that he has Schizophrenia, and the whole thing could have been reduced to calming down the man.

These “officers” need to be able to make quick assessments as to the mental state of people that they confront. Some ordinary people go into distress when confronted by ‘police’. This man obviously reacted by refusing to give personal information and got agitated which led to this fiasco.

The children were hysterical.

These Light Rail Commandos need to be more intelligent and selective in their ‘business’. This is a ridiculous situation that flew out of control.

The video about the man in NY went viral to the point that Assemblyman Dov Hikind got involved. It was not normal.

Also these Light Rail Commandos issued a ticket to one woman who didn’t know her card did not contain the full fare, so they issued a ticket for 14 Nis (i think that was the amount). They come on the train cars with their gear and start scaring people.

I just didn’t like the whole incident, that’s why i posted about it.

mg: I hope the above explanation satisfies your questioning. Opinions are welcome here, unless they are xtians or nasty. If you went to the link, you would have read SOME of the info about this.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to reply to mg: Doesn't matter even if he didn't for whatever reason pay the fare, there is no excuse, especially in holy E.Y. to treat anyone, let alone, a Jew in his Land in such a deplorable, ugly manner. These police act as SS guards, and the whole scenario is something that can only take place in a fascistic country. This is almost surreal. If someone doesn't pay for whatever reason his fare (might be stressed with coming on board with children) should never, ever be mishandled by anyone, anyone. He can be rebuked and given a small fine at the very most. This is animalistic behavior and should be brought up as a national protest all the way up to the Mayor's office and those police responsible should be fired and never, ever work in such a capacity again.

Neshama said...

Yes, Anon., that was my whole point. To me, this is a flag that the world where Jews live, the people are losing patience with being kind, especially to Orthodox and all Jews. Thank you.

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