16 September 2015

'Rock Attacks Are Murder, We Declare War'

So says PM Netanyahu:

"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held an emergency security meeting at his office in Jerusalem on Tuesday night, after the wave of terror attacks in Jerusalem over the Rosh Hashanah holiday including massive riots on the Temple Mount and a lethal rock attack.
  • Abdullah Warns Israel over Temple Mount. (Maybe the rocks and firebombs and pipes should be guided over to Abdullah in his Palace in Jordan? But, doesn't he have enough trouble with refugees: "Jordan is in conflict  . . . There are four million refugees, no food or water, and a lot of disease and AIDS. Israel is protecting Jordan for now." R'Nir Ben Artzi. So why does Abdullah shoot off his mouth, he has no power.)
"We will fight through all means necessary against rock throwers, firebomb and pipe bomb throwers, and those who shoot fireworks to harm citizens and police officers," said Netanyahu. Arutz7

"In the meeting, it was decided to raise the harshness of counter-terror steps in a few fields, including the possible changing of orders to open fire giving security personnel a freer hand to take lethal action against terrorists.

I will Believe it When I See it

"Likewise it was decided to set a minimum penalty for crimes such as rock throwing, and to impose high fines on minors conducting the attacks and their parents."

When Israelis are maimed, 
Jews are murdered, 
what in the world is
  Minimum Penalty?

As the rock attack on Wednesday illustrates, Arab rock throwing attacks continue despite Netanyahu's statements vowing harsher punishments for the attacks, as do violent Arab riots on the Temple Mount.  Continued Rioting on The Temple Mount Today

Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King patrolled the Arab hotbeds of terror in Jerusalem late on Tuesday night and reported that the police presence is completely absent still, despite Netanyahu's promises of increased security. Councilman Arieh King

"END OF YEAR SUMMARY: Every week there are dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that actions can be taken to rectify this problem and improve reality in the Jewish State.

"During this past year (5775) there were over 4000 terror incidents including arson, stone throwing, firebombs, and IEDs (improvised explosive devices). In addition there were over 40 shootings, many of which were also not reported in the mainstream media.

"The attacks occurred throughout Israel, from the Negev, to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gush Dan, and in the north near the Galilee and the Golan. "KolHaYehudi

When Will the so-called Government Do What it is Supposed to Do to Save Jewish Lives?


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