29 April 2022

YAD VASHEM In a Dark Corner


Yesterday,  on Yom Hashoah, I took a couple of tourists to visit Yad Vashem.
When we entered the museum I whispered to them that they were going to see something that other visitors do not see.
They were curious and felt special. (this  is  a great shtick for guides - the tourists will feel that their guide is unique.)
I proceeded slowly and deliberately to make sure not to miss the item I promised they would exclusively see.

I found it.

It was sandwiched between walls of prominent German Nazis.
The Nazi I was seeking was not German and is hidden from the pubic.
I refer of course to Haj Amin Husseini, father of the Palestinian people" and  Arab  partner with Hitler in the "Final solution”
I explained to my guests why the prominent photo of Husseini and Hitler was removed from Yad Vashem after Oslo and replaced with a photo of Husseini and HIMMLER in a dark corner that no one besides them will see this day.

They were shocked.

I explained that Yad Vashem denies there ever was the original photo with Hitler.
They were further shocked.
I wonder, how many of my guiding colleagues are also shocked or even think it is an issue worthy of discussion?

I wonder as I have been told, at times that perhaps I am really an extremist and should just let it go?  Should I?

Blog owner addition:

The following (link below) is an official German record of the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. (Source: Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D, Vol XIII, London, 1964.)

In addition:

AVAILABLE AT AMAZON:   Haj-Amin el-Husseini (1895-1974), self-proclaimed Grand Mufti (a non-existent, invented title) of Jerusalem, was one of the greatest international criminals in the first half of the XX century. Under the guise of religious activities, he in fact incited and organized violence, including murders, first against the Jews in Palestine and the British mandatory power, as well as against his Arab rivals. During WW2, after he escaped from Palestine via Iraq to Europe, he collaborated with Italian fascists and especially closely and intensively with German Nazis. He helped the latter in recruiting Bosnian, Albanian and former Soviet Union Moslems for their Wafen-SS divisions, which fought against the Allies and against local populations in the occupied territories, committing terrible atrocities. He was an active propagandist against the Allies, and also organized spying networks against them in Africa and the Middle East. 

Haj-Amin el-Husseini played many parts, but his whole life was dedicated to the fight against Jewish immigration and to te persecution and extermination of Jews in Palestine and all over Europe. He aborted a promising attempt to save a number of Jewish children, who then were killed. At the end of the war, the Mufti succeeded in escaping Germany, and was not arrested and prosecuted by the Allies, although they could have done it. He finally arrived in Egypt in 1946, and continued his activities which included organizing murders of political opponents, like the President of Lebanon and King Abdullah of Jordan. Haj-Amin died in his Beirut home on July 4, 1974. Prominent among his family mourners was Yasser Arafat. 

The book contains about 100 pictures and original documents collected in an extensive research, about 700 notes with historical and literary references, an extensive bibliography and an index of names. 

The book has already been published in Serbian and Hebrew. This new enlarged English version aims at a wider audience and contains numerous additional documents.


Anonymous said...

It's a shame that so much history which we, as Jews, should all be aware of is 'news' to most. All this history is clear as day, but, unfortunately, our people have assimilated so much that too many have even joined the other side.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yad Vashem, under "woke leadership" now. It will be difficult to trust anything they do. I posted the photo to my FB profile. Let's see what happens.

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