13 April 2022

Do You See The Signs?

All the signs keep pointing to our imminent Geulah:

The Failing Israeli Government (Idit, Chikli and Orbach)

Chometz vs Matza

Shmittah, Israeli Farmers and their hefker veggies

Unusual rising of the seas with immense flooding in the Nation Countries

Palestinian Killings because they are losing the fight

War in Ukraine to Send Jews to Israel

War in Ukraine to Send Russian Jews to Israel

Jews still in Europe – Rethinking Aliyah

Yonatan Pollard – Exhibiting Leadership??

The son of David [the Moshiach or Messiah] won’t come until the kingdom [the evil or oppressive kingdom] will propagate itself on Israel [it will oppress Israel, be numerous] for nine months“ (Tractate Sanhedrin 98(b)(2).

Will that oppressive kingdom be the Palestinians? Can they be considered a kingdom?

Or is it Russia, or the USofA?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The oppressive kingdom is most likely the whole 'globalist' order where most of the western nations & some others are united in the takeover of mankind. They are playing the game of thinking they are gods. Soon, the real G-D of everything will show them otherwise. Of course, they are being headed by the superpower nations starting from a small country in western europe where their agendas are drawn up. That should be clear enough for most everyone to see & understand.
Everything now is in the open for all to see.


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