10 April 2022

Shocking but true: The Deliberate Eradication of the American Dairy Industry

Shocking plans to cease all making of dairy products, which if accomplished, will leave dairy-lovers without for several years to come.

Begin watching from 5 minutes in  Jeffrey Prather and his The Prather Report.
Jeffrey is very dedicated to morality and truth, as a devoted Christian, and has extensive military experience. His analyses in the military realm is spot on. So listen and take away what you need to know. He has his own platform and can be viewed here:

Also, to understand on a deeper level what is planned chv”s, go here:

Dairy Cows to be slaughtered

Grain and staples not to reach their destination


לאה said...

The more diabolical they get the faster they bring Moshiach...keep the faith...

Neshama said...

Lea I lost the original video that was entered, and maybe you saw. Here are two more. Did you see them?

Anonymous said...

How true, Leah. The more insane, the closer we are to Geulah.


Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...