10 April 2022

POLLARD: I’m Outraged, … Not Surprised


Jonathan Pollard reacted to the burning of Joseph's Tomb overnight by Arab rioters.

"I am outraged, but not surprised," 

Pollard told Israel National News.

"I am outraged about what just occurred at the Kever Yosef (joseph's Tomb). I am absolutely disgusted at how our government first abandoned the Kever years ago and has left it vulnerable to repeated acts of vandalism by PA inspired mobs over the years. Enough!" Pollard said.

"Both the Kever and a wide access route to it must be immediately secured by the IDF and formally annexed by Israel. This type of antisemitic barbarism must stop- NOW! If we have any sense of self respect as a people we must act quickly and decisively to demonstrate our unqualified right to protect our holy sites in the Land. Prime Minister Bennett: Annex the area around the Kever and show our enemies that this gross insult to our faith will not be tolerated! Show them that we will defend our Land in whatever way we deem appropriate! Show them that we will avenge this latest outrage to Kever Yosef in a way that will never again allow such hate filled destruction to reoccur!" he said.

Last year, Pollard brought a Torah scroll he had commissioned and paid for to Joseph's Tomb.

Arab rioters had previously caused extensive arson damage to the site in 2015, after which the Samaria Regional Council sent its own teams to restore and renovate the holy site.

Read more:

Arabs set fire to Joseph's Tomb

Historic holy site damaged again as rioters enter site and set multiple fires. Samaria Council Chief: Restore IDF presence at holy site

Clashes at Joseph's Tomb

Arabs throw rocks and firebombs at IDF forces securing the entry of Jewish worshipers to Joseph's Tomb.

'Violation of Joseph's Tomb an affront to entire Jewish nation'

Defense Minister reacts to arson attack on Jewish holy site, vows to ensure no recurrence of such vandalism.

Photo:  Screenshot from article

The Real Photos from YWN

Wanton destruction by Arabs at Kever Yosef HaTzaddik in Shechem. 
(Photos: Shomron Regional Council)


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

A man like this would not have to play politics...that's for sure.

Thanks for posting this one.

Anonymous said...

R'l, if you think it's 'our' government, you're very mistaken. They, in no way represent our people. They represent outside powers. So, so obvious what's going on. H' Yerachem. Hopefully, signs before Geulah!

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