12 April 2022

Shalom Pollack – No 2nd Chance


no second chance

Mr. Dobov,

I read your article in "Matzav Ruach"

In it you draw attention to the non-Jews in Israel who have made contributions to the Jewish state; even fell in battle against our enemies.

The flavor of your message was, don't take intermarriage in Israel too seriously. Wonderful, non-Jewish "Israelis" who marry Jews should not be shunned but rather fully accepted and even celebrated.

Sir, why have Jews come from all over the world to build a Jewish state?

Why did I and others leave New York for Israel?

It was not to create yet one more functioning country of all its citizens or even to be a haven to protect Jews physically. It was a place where the future of the Jewish people would be protected.

It was not a country where any citizen who defended it became a  part of the Jewish people in body or spirit.

You point out that in recent terror attacks, non-Jews were killed as well as Jews. Does that make us one people?

The Muslim terrorists targeted what they assumed were Jews. Non-Jewish casualties are  a mistake

Was the attack part of the war a war against Jews or was it just a  random act of violence?

You seem to  diminish the Jewish aspect and  consequently, if not consciously the  very Jewish nature of the country

If intermarriage in the Jewish state is not fought with the same urgency as the physical threat, we will not have a Jewish country.

In that case, I might  have stayed in  a safe Jewish neighborhood in the USA

All non-Jews who contribute to our country should be recognized and appreciated but when they marry into our people it is a long-term, fatal threat that no weapon will defeat.

Our society should discourage it and not celebrate it or make light of it.

Please do not underestimate this ultimate threat.

We will not have a  second chance.

My book,

"Jews, Israelis, and Arabs" tells the story

On Amazon and Book DepositoryShalom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The ignorance of our people has gotten to a point where those who will not do teshuvah and return to their roots will be lost forever. The Jewish people are H's Children and His Commandments stand forever and there is no force on the face of the earth that can change even a letter or vowel of these Commandments. The Jews who dare think they have a say about our Laws and Statutes are just fooling themselves and have no fear or belief in the G-D of Creation, Hashem. The Laws of marriage stand for all eternity! No questions, no debates, no compromises, nor negotiations. This means all the Laws of our holy Torah which include not only what and who our people are but also the holiness of our Torah given by G-D Almighty and, of course, our Holy Land of Israel; they are all one unit!


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