25 October 2021



Yad  Vashem  - No change has been made in Yad Vashem's Holocaust History Museum references, textual or pictorial, to Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, since the Museum opened some 15 years ago.

Me  -  A significant change has indeed been made, not since the museum opened but in the move from the old to the new.

In the previous museum a large photo of Hitler and Husseini was exhibited. In the new museum it is absent.

Instead, a far smaller photo of Husseini and Himmler  is shown in a dark corner. I had extreme trouble finding it after searching four times.

I and many of my tour guide colleagues attest to the fact that there was a Hitler- Husseini photo in the former museum. Yad Vashem denies there was ever such a photo. This is the response that letter writers are receiving from Yad Vashem  today. I and many others have witnessed that it is not so.

Why the denial?


Yad Vashem    -  The photographs on display in the Museum, in which al-Husseini appears, were exhibited in our previous historical museum.

Me    -- True, but the large  one with Hitler does not appear in the new museum and the one that does appear (with Himmler)  is not easy  to view.


Yad Vashem - Yad Vashem adamantly rejects unfounded claims that it is politically influenced in its considerations and decisions regarding any component or dimension of the historical narrative of the Shoah, including our museum's contents.

Me  -  A colleague of mine told me that when he originally asked Yad Vashem why the Hitler -Husseini photo was gone, he was told , "it is not politically correct"

When I asked  ten Yad Vashem guides about the photo, most did not know of it. Some said they never discuss it, one said it was "political" and stayed away.

As far as the political or ideological motive of the strange omission of the original photo(and the one just opposite it showing Jewish soldiers in the British army fighting the Nazis)the public will decide.

I hope that Mr. Dayan will use his new position to  act on behalf of the truth and Am Yisrael.

Thank you,

Shalom Pollack

Our mailing address is:

Shalom Pollack Tours


Jerusalem 99386


On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 12:12 PM <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Pollack,

I would like to acknowledge receipt of your recent email to Yad Vashem Chairman Dayan, as well as other expressions of concern that have been conveyed in regard to purported changes in the exhibits displayed within Yad Vashem's Holocaust History Museum.

We have also noted claims and innuendos of supposed political considerations in our display-related policy.

Such serious charges, though thoroughly groundless, call for a clear response.

So please note, and feel free to forward:

No change has been made in Yad Vashem's Holocaust History Museum references, textual or pictorial, to Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, since the Museum opened some 15 years ago.

The photographs on display in the Museum, in which al-Husseini appears, were exhibited in our previous historical museum.

Yad Vashem adamantly rejects unfounded claims that it is politically influenced in its considerations and decisions regarding any component or dimension of the historical narrative of the Shoah, including our museum's contents.


Yossi Gevir

Director, Governmental & External Affairs

Senior Assistant to the Chairman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, the whole idea of the museum is a mockery because it was only to placate the survivors, Jewish people. The rest of world does not give a damn; youth everywhere were hardly taught anything in their schools and deep down the masses of the non Jewish world were either happy or completely uncaring what happened to the Jews. These Jews who rush to prove to the nations about all the suffering of the Jewish people from the beginning of our nationhood, are usually Erev Rav themselves with their non Jewish cohorts, who, with whatever they do is part of an agenda. It matters not, because Truth is being exposed now before our Geulah Shleimah, may it come speedily with kindness, compassion & glory for the Bnai Yisrael!

At this point in time, this sounds good

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