04 October 2021

Who Says The Liberal Idea is Legitimate or even an Ideal?

A pompous, egotistical and elitist article entitled, "With the Haredim, it will not be by persuasion," by Dan Perry (who writes a blog on timesofisrael), the author really tries hard to hide (not) his anti-haredi nonsense.

It seems his feelings have been hurt by the religious world view of the religious Haredi public.

The subtitle, "Israel needs to calculate what must be done to save itself, and do it” aludes to Israel in mortal danger, thus needing to “save itself.” From what? Yourselves, that’s what!

photo credit: YOSSI ALONI/FLASH90

These talmidim know much better about who Rules the Universe and runs the entire show called Eretz Yisrael. 

Not those sexually confused trans-anything science worshipers

Personally, I think you liberals are rushing headlong to the edge of the cliff, in a matter of months you may be rushing headlong over into the gorge of oblivion. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They have no idea how they are making it very easy for the Ribbono Shel Olam to judge harshly these haters of G-D, Jews & Torah where all the venom they have will turn on themselves a hundred fold. Hashem hardened the heart of Paro because he wanted to punish him to the utmost. What was will be!

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