07 October 2021

Rabbi Kessin –Is Mashiach Here -AND- The Power of a Jew

 Part II – Is Mashiach Here?

Bereshis:  The Power of a Jew


Daniel Grad said...
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Anonymous said...

From the beginning of this tzorah, it was clear to me what it was all about. First, anything that comes from the bashefanesh (nachash)Bill G, should have been understood to the average human being, but I realize that H' must have purposely taken away normal average common sense from not only the Jews but from humanity. These Jews are so entrenched in the outside world (klippot), that maybe this is H's way of getting them and the world to wake up - and also waking up to the fact this is the reason rofim have a portion in gehinom. H' is breaking down all the false idols and exposing who the wicked are. The leadership in Israel is total erev rav, now taking orders from the nachash itself and many 'rabbis' are Erev Rav, as Chazal tell will be at the end of days. Also, we pray that H' will make it (nissim) that the innocent ones will be invulnerable to the effeects of this chisoun (samm), but there is also a Chazal that tell us that not many Yehudim will survive, c'v, but will be revived by Moshiach. He is on his way! Remember always, that 'H says, Ani H' Rofecha'!

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