10 October 2021

Rabbi Kessin: Noach, The Three Stages, The Messianic Light

This is very informative end of days stages. What Noach and the Mabul really means. And much more

This is from Rabbi Kahana’s Shabbos Parsha:

The age of the world in now 5782 years, leaving 218 more years to reach the year 6000 when the curtain will come down on this world, as stated in the Gemara Sanhedrin above.

And 218 of our years divided by 41.6 (HaShem’s hour) is equal to 5.23 hours to HaShem. This places us now in erev Shabbat (Friday) of Hashem at about 12:30PM when Shabbat will come in at 6 PM.

All combined, 

HaShem has 5.23 hours remaining to complete His original plans for the Jewish people and for the world. 

This entails:

the coming of the Mashiach; 

restoration of the Bet Hamikdash; 

techiat hamaytim (resurrection); 

return and control to the Jewish nation of all the lands promised us by HaShem, as stated in the Torah, spanning almost the entire Middle East; 

return of hundreds of millions of descendants of the ten exiled tribes; 

return of the Anusim (Jews who were forced into Christ-insanity in Spain and Portugal) and 

the international war with Gog King of Magog – all this in 218 of our years.


Anonymous said...

And 210 years before the year 6000 techiyat Hamasim will start. Some say 214 years before which brings us to 5786 ( 4 years from now !) (see Rabbi Pinchus Winston)

Anonymous said...

So much of their mada is untrue as we see in this era of extraordinary sheker. Even what is true was meant to be as we come closer to the era of Moshiach. This is just physical knowledge and thus given to everyone in the world (not just the goyim). Believe all knowledge, whether scientific or anything else, is already in the Torah. We are the light to the nations to bring G-Dliness down to this lowly world. Much of what has been revealed to the world, as we now see, comes from the ruach hatumah, as we are at a time in history no better than before the time of the great Flood. This is a clue that we are very close to the coming of Moshiach, as it cannot get any lower or else, H' would have to shut the world down completely, c'v.

Thank You Hashem!

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