13 October 2021


The Future of the Vaccine War Against Humanity Revealed

Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin

       A new report in Science led by Ralph Baric’s team from the University of North Carolina defines the tragic future for humanity through the endless vaccine assault. Baric is the leading “gain-of-function” researcher in America and a collaborator and instructor for the Chinese Communists at the Wuhan Institute. Their joint efforts led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. Baric’s research, well-funded by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID) and by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), defines the future planned for us by the global predators.

       Making SARS-CoV vaccines, despite decades of animal trials, has never been safe or effective. First, this type of virus rapidly and unpredictably mutates, quickly leaving behind the latest vaccine. Second, the method used, injecting RNA into the body to force the body to make SARS-CoV spike proteins, is itself very harmful. When our immune system detects the presence of the SARS-CoV spike protein, it attacks it with antibodies and lymphocytes. This causes cell death and other complications. Worse, the spike protein itself is toxic to cells. Among other things, it can cause bleeding and clotting throughout the body. In a very ugly twist, the spike protein is engineered in such a way that it especially attacks the ovaries, potentially causing hormonal irregularities and sterility.

       The new NIAID/NIH-funded research simply ignores the deadly impact of the spike protein.  It addresses the problem of mutations by trying to make a more complex spike protein that will elicit immune responses to multiple forms of coronavirus. Think of it as a very dirty atomic bomb. It is not good news for humanity.

       The article is titled, “Chimeric spike mRNA vaccines protect against Sarbecovirus challenge in mice.” It continues the falsehood that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from nature. It claims to have already developed the model for new mRNA vaccines: “multiplexed-chimeric spikes” that “can prevent SARS-like zoonotic coronavirus infections with pandemic potential.”

       They are perpetuating the myth that SARS-CoV viruses are lurking in nature ready to emerge. This justifies their continuing with humanity-endangering gain-of-function experiments, creating multiple new pandemic CoVs in their lab. This new vaccine scheme will continue to engorge the wealth of the global predators, while imposing continued totalitarian public health measures.  It will not go away on its own.

       The research also exposes Anthony Fauci’s lies about NIAID and NIH not funding gain-of-function research with Ralph Baric or anyone else. This creation of “chimeric” pandemic viruses is supported by several grants from NIAID and NIH, as well as by the pharmaceutically based Burroughs Wellcome Fund and by a fund led by Facebook’s Zuckerberg.[1]  It is truly a globalist dream—and a nightmare for humanity.

       This blog is based on our new book—COVID-19 and the Global Predators—which is now with the publisher. If you purchase an advance copy of the book, you will immediately get the entire completed manuscript, the most comprehensive analysis available on what COVID-19 is all about and who is behind it. The manuscript includes marvelous introductions by three physicians who are leaders in the treatment and analysis of COVID-19: Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko MD; and Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD.  

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The actual published book is expected off the presses in late July.

[1] David R. Martinez, Alexandra Schäfer, Sarah R. Leist, Gabriela De La Cruz, Ande West, Elena N. Atochina-Vasserman, Lisa C. Lindesmith, Norbert Pardi, Robert Parks, Maggie Barr, Dapeng Li, Boyd Yount, Kevin O. Saunders, Drew Weissman, Barton F. Haynes, Stephanie A. Montgomery, Ralph S. Baric. (2021, June 22, published online).  Chimeric spike mRNA vaccines protect against Sarbecovirus challenge in mice. DOI: 10.1126/science.abi4506. Chimeric spike mRNA vaccines protect against Sarbecovirus challenge in mice | Science (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable there is such an orchestrated effort and vast number of doctors, scientists and others who have no conscience whatsoever in trying to obliterate, c'v, humanity. Whatever happened to doctors taking the oath 'to do no harm'. May G-D have mercy on the righteous. Is this a sci-fi movie? It seems like the world is living in the same nightmare.

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