02 November 2020

WHO: Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA

PCR testing function is to “replicate” and cannot identify any virus.  It is used to search out a certain DNA sequence which then is magnified many times (more than what is required) until they recognise the  “something”.  This in no way diagnoses an illness. As the WHO and the Chart below testifies, a coronavirus sequence is found in ALL human DNA. So this process can be used to claim that someone is “infected” or “tests positive” so that this information can be used in turn to “lockdown” and “isolate” and “alarm” people. Beware the “TESTING”.

Imagine, the virus so deadly they need to use infrared technology to detect it.

Think about this:

The coronavirus is so deadly that the homeless, living on the streets, crowded together, no washing the hands, NO MASKS, and with compromised immune systems (drugs, etc) are not littering the streets of America with scores of dead bodies. They somehow survive the “infection”. 

Think about it?

The survival rate is 99.9... (depending the age you are at). There is a cure (HCQ) and a prominent senior citizen (DJT) took it and survived the virus. So why aren’t the elderly and those with compromised immune systems being IMMEDIATELY given HCQ to ward off the *cytokine storm: 

[Wikipediaalso called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Normally, cytokines are part of the body's immune response to infection, but their sudden release in large quantities can cause multisystem organ failure and death]

WHO:  Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (as shown in this screenshot)

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