05 November 2020

Treason and Sedition

 Now add voting fraud. 

There is NO END to their evil. 

that’s all for now.


ל.ל. said...

of course there's an end you'll see now.

moshe said...

As I say, evil has no shame and has no bounds.
Moshiach is on his way; we pray it will be an easier journey than we think. What has been done with this election is literally, criminal! H' is in control and we pray that HE will allow this good President to continue because these coming four years will, hopefully, be a blessing for not only the world, but mostly, a blessing for the bnai Yisrael to be able to pick up, en masse, with joy to come home to E.Y. and the U.S. will assist greatly in this endeavor, for the whole world will see that there is ONLY H'-Ein Od Milvado!

Ms. AP said...

Amen V' Amen Moshe! This is not over by any stretch of the imagination.
Ms. AP

Neshama said...

Leftist DS Israel is so embarrassing, jumping on the Biden-Harris bandwagon of corruption knowing this was a coup de etat against Trump. Not even giving him any support! If he ever gets through this and retains his presidency, he will have made note of those who deserted him. Woe to them. If he is completely railroaded, woe to the people of the world because it will mean that the evil is so so pervasive that it will lead to NEKOMA at end of our history.

Soon Mashiach will rise up.

moshe said...

Yes, Neshama, this is a worldwide globalist leftist attack on humanity and the leftists everywhere have one goal - world domination, r,l. We see that in Israel, as well. So many have decided to throw out G-D, so to speak, from EY and to be like the other nations. This puts fear into our hearts because we know H' will avenge these evils that are now worldwide and the price, hopefully, will not have to be paid by any righteous Jew nor righteous of the nations. These are very scary times and we pray H' will bring us Moshiach tzdkeinu in a blink of an eye b'rachamim on the righteous. Every Jew do teshuvah!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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