03 November 2020

The Ministry of Health*

A New Religion: “The *Ministry of Health,” with its high priest of science the head of the WHO,  a branch of the UN Church Agenda to reshape and dominate humanity. Slowly they are brainwashing (planned psychological re-education) the people to believe in certain actions as a cure for a concoction that cannot be identified or controlled in any other way, except for an injection of another concoction, the ingredients thereof being highly questionable. All of this mandated many years ago by a few sinister men who saw themselves as divine authoritarians over all of mankind. No, NOT G–D, but they, the self appointed lords over life. 

Does this not recall in our Jewish minds the history of Nimrod, Aramrofel, the builders of the Tower of Babel, Haman, the Inquisition, the Nazi World Agenda, Stalin, and today the socialist democrats with their Green Agenda?? Do they ever cease to lord themselves against G–D and His Creations?

*Together with the Ministry of Re-education, and the other gentile ministries of idolatry out to conquer Jewish Neshomas.

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Health, Education Ministries to reconsider masks for 1st, 2nd graders 

The Education Ministry released statistics on Sunday about the numbers of children who are infected. Out of 592,000 preschool children, 281 have tested positive, while out 1,067,464 elementary school pupils, there are 597 who are positive. Out of 790,722 high school and middle school students, 611 are positive, and out of 121,294 special education students, 56 tested have tested positive. Two schools out of 5,000 were closed because of a high infection rate of the virus. One hundred and thirty-four preschools were closed for high infection rates out of 21,000 preschools. arutzsheva 

Shocked: President Rivlin used inappropriate language that could cast psychological pressure on children who should look at life with ‘future expectation’ and ‘joy in living’, not what he said:

The virus may be everywhere and only if we follow the rules – we will be able to overcome it! You are so dear to us. Take care of yourself. When you take care of yourself, you also take care of us – your mother and father, the grandparents, the sisters and brothers.


These poor children, spooked by the Israeli President to believe that this virus is lurking behind everything they may come in contact with!! This man is dangerous. And he adds that they need to look after their ADULT Family Members!! Who let this man out of his institution??

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