15 November 2020

“90% Efficacy” So Says Fauci . . . UPDATE

 Pamphlet urges religious public not to use coronavirus vaccine

[sorry, here is the screenshot]

Shabbat newsletters distributed across Israel include mysterious 16-page pamphlet which claims coronavirus vaccine is for population control

A mysterious pamphlet urging the religious public not to use vaccinations against the coronavirus is being distributed with Shabbat newsletters in synagogues across Israel, Israel Hayom reported Friday.

The 16-page pamphlet is reportedly being handed out with the weekly Shabbat newsletters regularly carried by synagogues, and argues that it is ‘forbidden’ to receive doses of any of the coronavirus vaccines now in development, claiming they are being manufactured with the express aim of population control.

“I am warning you: The evil people who run Israel have the most wicked plans for us,” the pamphlet reads in part.

The coronavirus is a total lie. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a disease, but it is not what they’ve been telling us. Most of what they say is a lie, simply a lie. And we believe them, because we are afraid. Most people are afraid. But slowly, people are starting to realize that things aren’t what we’ve been told, that this is like the flu.”

It is unclear who published the pamphlet. 

See arutzsheva  arutzsheva

Ninety Percent 90%???


 Former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist’s Response to COVID Vaccine

Something else to worry about

1 comment:

rose said...

To put this in a few words, all this is the 'sitra achra' itself.
The rishus is just the continuation of 75-80 years ago, r'l. If we have not learned anything by now, then we are truly the dumbest creatures created. A true Torah Jew should understand and know better. Yasher koach to those who printed the pamphlet because all they have gone through (the chareidim) by the hands of those in the memshalah and still don't get it (understand), then there's nothing more to say but 'just that H' will watch over every emmese Yiddishe neshama, whether they understand or not. Amen!


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