14 November 2020

The Haftorah Speaks of Succession of Power

 In this weeks Haftorah to Parsha Chayei Sarah we learn a few things that mirror our current events.

1 Dovid’s “son Adonijah, the senior son, ...well connected” creates a “CABAL” (a COUP) and does some questionable POLITICS to get supporters in his campaign for the Kingship, but it’s all for naught, and the true King is anointed.

2 At the passing and burial of Avraham, it says Yitzchak and Ishmael bury their father. Because It mentions Yitzchak first, it means that Yishmael did Teshuva. So we now have the Abraham accords — with the true Ishmaelite Arabs, not the fakestinians.

It says that Ishmael’s status was “different from the other sons of Keturah, because he participated in Abraham’s burial”. The Parsha ends with the naming of Ishmael’s sons and their generations. From this we could find the ancestors (tribal beginnings) to the various Arab Nations that are now coming close to Israel.

The above comes from the Stone Edition of Hamisha Chumashi Torah, both Parsha Chayei Sarah and the Haftorah from Melachim (about Dovid haMelech conveying that His son Shlomo should be anointed immediately to stop Adonijah).

UPDATE:  It is important to always rely on Rashi:

1And Abraham took another wife and her name was Keturah. אוַיֹּ֧סֶף אַבְרָהָ֛ם וַיִּקַּ֥ח אִשָּׁ֖ה וּשְׁמָ֥הּ קְטוּרָֽה:
(Midrash: Rashi)

And the Ramban explains that at this point in his life, Abraham felt no need to find a wife from among his family in Haran that was required of – Isaac – as it would be again later of Yaakov – because the covenant of Israel would be fulfilled through him.


moshe said...

Read today in the commentary for Chayei Sarah that Keturah was NOT Hagar, as most of us think. Hagar, we know, was the daughter of Paro. Keturah was a Canaanite woman and that is why Avraham Avinu sent her children off to the Far East with gifts of avodah zorah. So, it seems, these children are completely two different sets of children, Yishmael from Hagar and Keturah from Canaan. But, why are there so many references, it seems, to them being one and the same. We know that Mitzrayim stems from Cham just as the Cnanim. There's probably much more to learn on this. Thus, maybe they are the same person. But, don't be too excited on this whole accords deal; we know we cannot trust! Trust only in H' and we will see what HE has in store for us and the world.

Neshama said...

Thank you Moshe, but It is important to always rely on Rashi:

1 And Abraham took another wife and her name was Keturah.
אוַיֹּ֧סֶף אַבְרָהָ֛ם וַיִּקַּ֥ח אִשָּׁ֖ה וּשְׁמָ֥הּ קְטוּרָֽה:
(Midrash: Rashi)

Neshama said...

"Avraham REMARRIED HAGAR, who was given this name because her deed were as beautiful as incense [ketores], and because she remained chaste [keturah is Aramaic for retrained] from the time she was separated from Abraham.” (Midrash: Rashi)
Chayei Sarah, 25:1-6 the Stone Chumash

Neshama said...

Moshe, it would be So Out of Character for Avraham to have a Kanani concubine.

rose said...

True. but maybe what the commentator meant is that it makes no difference whether Hagar & Keturah are one and the same; Hagar was a Mitzri because they come from the same people (the Canaanim are also from Cham just as the Mitzrim). So Keturah also being Hagar are really the same, so the commentator might have brought that up to show that their origins would be the same. Do not have any idea why the commentary showed it that way.

Neshama said...

The Torah world holds by Rashi, Ramban, Rambam.

It was the Chumash, the words of G–d that said so.
She was a princess of Pharoah and worthy of bringing forth many nations.
Remember Basyia that raised Moshe Rabbenu?

Not all Miztri were cananis, Cleopatra was from a euro nation. Many nations conquered the Mitzri peoples thru their history.

There is so much secular history that is not correct. Only what our Torah tells us.
Anyway, Moshe, keep up the good commenting. It’s challenging and I like it.

rose said...

We are not talking about secular commentaries. This is all from religious sources. Cleopatra has nothing to do with being a Mitzrit because she was European. We are talking about the Mitzri peoplwho were 'definitely' from Cham. Look up the geneological information on all Biblical (which really means everyone) peoples. They are Chamites, no doubt. We are not talking about outsiders such as Cleopatra, Mark Anthony, etc.

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