23 November 2020

SPECIAL Yuval Ovadia Cautions (Ivrit)

 Messianic Caution


Neshama said...

Can someone leave a synopsis of this message for us. Please leave in the comments.

elisheva said...

The short version is that these days some people are declaring - crowning - their chosen rav as Moshiach, when in fact, it will be Eliyahu Hanavi who will declare who Moshiach is. In particular, Rav Yuval says that being able to predict events is not a sign of being Moshiah, nor is being a navi a prerequisite.

I'll just add that Moshiach has to be a talmid chacham, and he will have koh-sher hadibbur, ie he'll be eloquent and will bring Jews back to the Torah. For this reason, I would suggest as a prime candidate Rav Zamir Cohen, a talmid chacham who set up the largest kiruv organisation in the world, has the largest weekly Torah class in the world, 250,000 views, is able to convey all aspects of Torah bedarkei noam and is very humble. Be"D we will find out soon enough.

elisheva said...

Btw, not sure why you don't use the rav's title.

Neshama said...

Thank you Elisheva. About a title, is he a rabbi? Didn’t know.

elisheva said...

You're welcome. TBH, don't know it for a fact, but have seen him referred to as a rabbi elsewhere, so I assumed so, and he teaches like a kosher rav.

moshe said...

It doesn't matter who someone would like and choose. MBD has to be a direct descendant of Dovid Hamelech!

elisheva said...

Rav Yuval spoke about this topic as many people are telling him who they think Moshiach is, and saying that they have to crown their chosen one. His response is that it is not for us to decide it. Eliyahu Hanavi will tell us. And that people's criteria, that such and such made true predictions, indicating that their chosen one is indeed Moshiach, are not valid. As this is not even a requirement.

I'm not saying that Rav Zamir Cohen is Moshiach, just that he fulfills some of the genuine requirements. Given that in the past even the biggest talmidei chachamim were mistaken, I don't understand why some people can be so sure they know who it is. Personally, I'm waiting for Eliyahu Hanavi to tell us.

Yaakov. C said...

Mashiach is a bal tshuvah from the land of eisav.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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