synchronicity really removes the accident from the accidental nature of […] ‘random’ phenomena, and while it can manifest itself as coincidence, that’s only the visible tip of a vast, hidden synchronicitous iceberg.
G–D on Synchronicity = Bereshis
And so we have the following, which caused my heart to swell in awe (and *delight):
From yeranenyaakov Right before Parashat HaHodesh: Israeli ‘Beresheet’ Spacecraft Enters Lunar Orbit Ahead Of Moon Landing YWN
“The landing is scheduled for April 11 approximately 23:00 Israeli time - an accurate update will be published in the coming days. During the coming week, the maneuvers intense preparations for the landing will be conducted.
“Yesterday during the critical Lunar Capture maneuver, Beresheet photographed amazing photos of the moon while activating the engines.”
The images taken by Beresheet were captured while the spacecraft was at an altitude of 470 kilometers (292 miles) from the moon’s surface.” arutzsheva
Reb Dov bar Leib: Purportedly, the Lander will land on the moon on the very day of Zayin Shlamim, 7 full days, from the Molad near the exact moment of Qiddush Levanah for Chassidim.
*delight – And to add to this "wondrous in our eyes”:
“Nothing is higher than delight,” says the ancient Book of Formation.
All of our desires and musings, our every thought, word, and all we do, all emerge from our sense of pleasure, our obsessive persistence for the most elegant and the most delightful.
So too with G‑d’s creation.
The essence of each thing—from the tiny atom to a distant galaxy, from the majesty of a mountain peak to the depths of the human heart—is the Creator’s delight in this thing as it plays its tune within the entire symphony of parts.
Hidden in the Torah is the key to that delight, the secrets to unlock the purpose and place of each thing. Use something for its purpose, direct it to its seat in the orchestra, and the brilliant glow of the Creator’s delight is redeemed."
Sefer Hamaamarim 5696 pp. 8, 18, 21. Likutei Sichot vol. 26, pg. 207. Torat Menachem 5745 vol.4, pg. 2527
This follows another synchronicity, The Return for Burial of Zacharia (Zachary) Baumel
R' Dov Bar Leib's Hiddush regarding the 37 years that Zecharia Baumol HY"D was missing and connecting it to the 37 years of King Yehoyachin's incarceration by Nevuchadnetzar and both of their returns from captivity exactly on the 27th of Adar yeranenyaakov
and yet another:
2,600 Seal Bearing “NatanMelech”. Who was Natan Melech?
“When you find something like this it’s very exciting,” he told me. “It gives flesh and bones to things that are very distant stories.”
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