08 April 2019

UPDATE ––– MEASLES Making the Religious Jewish Rounds

New York may close yeshivas which allow unvaccinated students
NY Health Department warns: Brooklyn yeshivas allowing unvaccinated students to attend face violations and possible closure.

[do you see where this is leading to?]
Where Will it Surface Next?
Why is it Rampant in JEWISH Religious Neighborhoods?
Did You Know That Those Vaccinated Can Actually SPREAD the Disease!
Shocking and Monstrous and Scandalous!

The Next Orthodox Jewish Community To Have Measles

Maryland health officials say a case of measles has been confirmed in Baltimore County, and a Pikesville location may have exposed people to the highly contagious, and sometimes fatal [rare, a scare tactic], disease. On April 5, the Maryland Department of Health confirmed a measles case in a Maryland resident. YWN

While government and media are turning Nazi on “anti-vaxxers” for the latest outbreak, Ghost Ship Media looks at the thousands of documented ER visits of children with fevers, seizures and rashes from measles vaccine virus. Public health erases cases of “vaccine-associated measles” from outbreak data. And did you know that vaccine measles virus is in urine after a shot?

2019 is proving to be the year of the reign of measles terror. In January, it was reported that infected children were milling about the international airport in Portland, Oregon. Neighboring Washington declared a state of emergency a mere 10 days later when 31 cases of measles had been reported in the state. This week, five states were dealing with outbreaks and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed 314 cases across the nation – almost half the high of 667 cases in 2014.

Clearly, according to the united mainstream media, “anti-vaxxers” are responsible for returning this measly plague from “near extinction.” As one commentator said, parents who do not ensure that their children get the bare minimum of 23 needles by age five are the moral equivalent of “drunk drivers” — a menace to everyone on the public highway who should “opt out of society.” Following this vein, one New York county took the extraordinary measure this week of instituting a ban on unvaccinated children in public indoor spaces. Violators will be fined $500 and face up to six months in prison if they dare let an unvaccinated child “…enter into any indoor place of public assembly” in Rockland County, a mostly Orthodox Jewish community north of New York City where 153 cases of measles were reported.
Thousands of kids, show up in emergency rooms and clinics across the nation with spiking fevers, rashes and seizures caused by measles virus … ‘clinically indistinguishable’ from wild-type measles but it is caused by a vaccine virus.
Vaccine-induced vs. vaccine-preventable
While the measles five-alarm is ringing, it is worth looking into the peer-reviewed, published medical literature about recent infections. The funny thing is that there are hundreds of documented cases – maybe thousands undocumented — of measles going unreported to the CDC every year. Not secret cases of feverish children with mottled rashes, hidden away in the houses of Orthodox Jews or anti-vaxxer wellness types. No. Thousands of kids, show up in emergency rooms and clinics across the nation with spiking fevers, rashes and seizures caused by measles virus. The medical literature describes their illness as “clinically indistinguishable” from wild-type measles but it is caused by a vaccine virus.

“Vaccine- Associated Rash Illness” looks so much like wild measles that parents go in droves to emergency rooms, usually seven to 12 days after a shot. Even doctors have to be educated to distinguish “vaccine-associated measles” from “vaccine-preventable” measles. The only accurate way to do this is by genotyping the virus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. Good thing we can do that, right? Except that doctors are told not to do PCR tests on children with measles who were recently vaccinated. Public health agencies tell doctors that they must report every case of measles – unless it is in children (or adults) who were recently vaccinated. CHD


MMR Vaccine’s Poison Pill: Mumps After Puberty, Reduced Testosterone and Sperm Counts
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, CHD

Although ongoing mumps outbreaks involving thousands of at-risk adolescents and young adults completely dwarf the number of measles cases, no one is covering the mumps story—because it will expose the fact that Merck has been in court for over eight years, accused of fabrication and falsification of the effectiveness of the mumps component of its MMR vaccine.

In the meantime, legislatures across the country are rewarding Merck by making it impossible to refuse the profitable vaccine, subjecting a generation of Americans to the risk of serious complications from mumps infection at an age that nature never intended.

Across the country, frenzied legislators are responding to the pharmaceutical industry’s orchestrated fear campaign around measles by seeking to impose further mandating of Merck’s measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Although ongoing mumps outbreaks involving thousands of at-risk adolescents and young adults completely dwarf the number of measles cases, no one is covering the mumps story—because it will expose the fact that Merck has been in court for over eight years due to scientists blowing the whistle on Merck’s fabrication and falsification of the effectiveness of the mumps component of its MMR vaccine. Instead of punishing Merck for its chicanery, legislatures are rewarding the company by making it impossible to refuse Merck’s profitable vaccine, subjecting a generation of American children to the risk of serious complications from mumps infection at an age that nature never intended.

When younger children experience mumps, the virus is relatively harmless; infected children often exhibit no symptoms. When mumps strikes adolescents or adults, on the other hand, the infection can cause far more serious adverse effects, including inflammation of various organs (brain, pancreas, ovaries and testicles)—as well as damage to male fertility.
The fact that we have mumps showing up in highly immunized populations likely reflects something about the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Inflammation of one or both testicles (a condition called orchitis) occurs in approximately one in three post-pubertal men who get mumps and can contribute to sperm defects and subfertility as well as impairing the function of cells that produce testosterone. An estimated 30% to 87% of men with bilateral orchitis induced by mumps experience full-blown infertility—a major cause for concern given the significant declines in male fertility observed over the past several decades. Thus, it appears that Merck’s vaccine, instead of protecting children, not only delays onset of disease to later age cohorts but has the potential to cause serious and permanent injury.

In order to score the lucrative MMR monopoly, Merck needed to satisfy the FDA that all three components of the combination vaccine could achieve 95% efficacy, but the mumps portion was bedeviling. In fact, as alleged in a lawsuit filed by two senior Merck scientists in 2010 under the False Claims Act, the company has known since the late 1990s that the mumps component of the MMR is “far less” than 95% effective. A 2005 study published in Vaccine estimated the effectiveness of mumps vaccination to be closer to 69%, and the authors noted that their results were consistent with other studies.

The two whistleblowers assert in the lawsuit—which is reportedly headed to trial sometime this year—that Merck has “willfully and illegally maintained its monopoly” through “ongoing manipulation” and by “representing to the public and government agencies a falsely inflated efficacy rate for its Mumps Vaccine.” Specifically, the two scientists claim that Merck executives ordered them to use “rigged” methodologies, including taking antibodies from rabbits and adding them to human blood vials, in order to gull regulators into assuming an antibody response robust and durable enough to merit licensing. When those “enhanced” tactics did not achieve Merck’s “fabricated [95%] efficacy rate,” the whistleblowers allege, the company resorted to simply falsifying the test data and engaging in other fraudulent activities.

Endangering rather than protecting youth
All of these cohorts are part of an age group that should never get mumps. As Children’s Health Defense recently noted, whereas “flares of illness in vaccinated groups should prompt some serious questions about vaccine failure,” legislators and government agencies “are displaying a dangerous indifference to vaccination’s unintended consequences.” Dancing to puppet strings manipulated by Merck, legislators across the country are trying to foist even harsher MMR mandates on unwilling Americans, dooming a generation of children to the serious risks of late-onset mumps infections.

Can anyone say stratagem, planned, contrived??
Likewise Measles!
Who will get to the “WHY" of this?


Neshama said...

to the imposter LTC, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, CHD

Anonymous said...

If someone looks up Dr Klenner, they will find that 50 years ago he successfully cured 30 different diseases with Vitamin C shots. Including meases, mimps chicken pox, polio, encephalitis, and many other viral diseases.

This is very useful information. No reason to fear any of these viral diseases if they could be cured immediately with no side effects.

And this is a secret that doctors and health professions are not aware of. WHY?

All the best

Anonymous said...

Definitely can agree with your valid assessment. H' yerachem!

Neshama said...

Yes, you drank the coolaid a long time ago, and signed to the hypocritical oath. Just listen to Rabbi Mizrachi’s lecture on Science and Torah, both of them!

In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl