22 April 2019

Arsenic in Bottled Water

Toxic Arsenic Found In Major Bottled Water Brands

Consumer Reports (CR) is now warning the public about a serious issue, where 11 brands of bottled water, out of 130 had detectable levels of highly toxic, arsenic, and six of those brands had levels above 3 parts per billion (ppb) — the maximum level allowed by CR.

"Of those, six had levels of 3 ppb or higher," according to CR officials. "These brands are Starkey owned by Whole Foods, Peñafiel owned by Keurig Dr. Pepper, Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water,
Volvic owned by Danone, and two regional brands, Crystal Creamery, and EartH₂O.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limits arsenic in bottled water to 10 ppb. But CR is now demanding the federal government revise the level to 3ppb.

"It makes no sense that consumers can purchase bottled water that is less safe than tap water," says James Dickerson, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at CR. "If anything, bottled water—a product for which people pay a premium, often because they assume it’s safer—should be regulated at least as strictly as tap water."

Keurig Dr Pepper spoke with CR last week and said its Peñafiel production facility in Mexico had been taken offline for several weeks while it would improve its filtration system to lower arsenic level. The company said it conducted new testing after questions from CR found levels above the federal limit, at an average of 17 ppb.

Whole Foods took over the brand Starkey Water in 2013, from late 2016 through early 2017, the company recalled more than 2,000 cases of water after tests by regulators showed high levels of arsenic beyond the federally mandated threshold.

In the last five years, consumers have spoken out against municipal tap water and resorted to bottled beverages. Consumers as a whole aren't educated enough to understand the bottled water industry isn't heavily regulated - so the claims of fresh, natural water are somewhat misleading. CR ended the report by linking EPA’s website for water testing - it says that if you want to limit your exposure to arsenic water, get your water tested immediately.

Is your food real, or is it 3D printed fakery?

MUST READ:  The Plague Of Synthetic, Poisonous, Patentable “Food” Products


Neshama said...

PetachTIkva: I’m not sure I can find what you are referring to. Do you mean zero hedge? or the reality blog? If you can send me a link to a page revealing what you cautioned, I’d like to see it. Otherwise, the reality blog has some very pertinent and important information to share.

Anonymous said...

Hello Neshama,
It seems the sneaky Jew-hater deleted his own nasty comments I saw yesterday, exactly on the page you provided the link to. Unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to save a screen print. Perhaps he tracked my access from Israel and decided to avoid some headache.
In any case, I read through quite a few of his blog articles, and even I (who tend to be a naïve person, who doesn't see evil in others until they've already stuck the knife into his heart) smelled the poison of his hate against our nation. It looks like he cautiously avoids being explicit, but he somehow manages to involve Jews / Zionists / Israelis in every evil stuff that goes around - Globalism, Communism, food poisoning, medicines that harm our health, non-vaxxers, GMOs, New World Order, anything possible! And you need not dig that much deep to find every other reader's comment using anti-semitic terms, slurs, curses etc. The fact that he allows such comments is a clear statement about his own ideology.
In summary, IMO the little benefit a Jew could derive from reading on his blog does not justify the damage he does to us. Therefore I would suggest you not to link such content on your blog - which I appreciate and respect as a high-quality source of kosher information.
Thanks for your time and attention,
RH from Petach Tikva.

In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl