01 April 2019

UPDATE: JUDGE RULING on A Police State . . . in Rockland County?

UPDATE: A judge has issued a preliminary injunction against Rockland County’s emergency order banning children from public places unless they’ve been vaccinated against measles. 
Callous Stigmatization of Healthy Unvaccinated Children

An ominous turn toward a police state has taken root in Rockland County, New York. The County’s Executive Ed Day, a retired Bronx detective, declared a “state of emergency” and, in essence, ordered house arrest for all children under age 18 who have not been vaccinated with the MMR (measles, mumps, pertussis i.e., whooping cough) vaccine.

What are the criteria for declaring a state of emergency?

In Rockland County there have been a total of 153 cases of measles since October 2018; 149 have recovered, without lasting ill effects. According to the CDC during the same period, there were 314 measles cases in the U.S.
“On Tuesday, in an extraordinary step, the county executive, Ed Day, declared a state of emergency, effective at midnight, that would bar children and teenagers who are not vaccinated against measles from public places. Mr. Day said he believed Rockland County’s order was the first of its kind in the United States, and several public health experts said that they could not recall any action like it in recent years.” (TheNewYorkTimes:) I have never heard of such a thing ever.
The order took effect at midnight on Wednesday March 26th. Parents whose unvaccinated children are seen in public places – which include schools, shopping malls, public transportation, houses of worship, and other indoor spaces in violation of this order will be subject to 6 months in jail, and or $500 fine.

CDC reports that the MMR vaccination rate in Rockland County is 82.6%. The majority of children whose parents exercise their legal right to religious exemptions from vaccination attend private schools, mostly Hassidic Jewish schools. The rational for the measure to contain the spread of an infectious disease is to quarantine those who are infected and those who have been in close contact with someone who was infected –not to use the opportunity to penalize every child who is not vaccinated.

The target population for this draconian move is children who have religious exemptions from vaccine mandates. Rockland County has a large Hasidic Jewish population where religious exemptions from vaccination are common. The majority of measles cases in Rockland county have been in the Hasidic community, imported by travelers

[. . .] The excuse for the extraordinary, punitive directive by the County Executive, one that isolates and stigmatizes uninfected, healthy children as pariahs who are now barred from All public social interactions – after having been deprived of an education for over two months –is that there are currently 4 cases of measles in Rockland county – none of who were infected by any of these children.
Let’s be clear; “measly measles” is not a life-threatening disease in Western developed countries. During the last twenty years there have been only 3 deaths in the entire United States linked to measles. By contrast, infections due to Clostridium difficile (C difficile), most a result of an exposure to infections acquired at a hospital, or other medical facility, and excessive antibiotics result in more than 29,000 deaths each year according to CDC data. The frenzy about measles is not prompted by a genuine concern for children’s health or well being. It is fomented by a financial concern about the uptake of vaccines.
“If we have a situation where it comes to our attention that a parent is willingly, knowingly, not allowing a child to be vaccinated, under the emergency order, it will be referred into the district attorney. Our inspectors have begun to meet increasing resistance from those they are trying to protect. Our health inspectors have been hung up upon or told not to call again. They’ve been told “we’re not discussing this – do not come back,” when visiting the homes of infected individuals as part of their investigations.”

Hasidic school children in NYS:
  "Ed Day" has been at the center of controversy; in particular about allegations of antisemitism.

In 2015, The New York Post reported that:

“Ed Day makes the Jewish community feel very uncomfortable — he [it] encourages anti-Semitism,” blasted Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald, president of the Jewish Community of Rockland County, made up of about 100 synagogues.”

In 2016, Sreeramulu Nagubandi (an Asian American), who had served as Rockland County’s Commissioner of Human Rights for 16 years, sued and accused him of antisemitism and attempting to “limit the growth of orthodox Jews in Rockland. The explosive charge accused Day of instructing Nagubandi to make daily living as hard as possible for Orthodox Jews in Monsey and Spring Valley.

Nagubandi’s affidavit filed with the court May 5, 2016, stated: “I have personally heard from the County Executive regarding providing any funding to the Town of Ramapo in my capacity as the Director that I should be careful not to give too much money as that would only allow for the Jewish Religious Community to ‘continue growing.” (NYPost)

From my Post of "Measles Outbreak in Jewish Religious Community”

ME: AND NOW WE HAVE CORROBORATING INFORMATION SUPPORTING WHAT I INTIMATED IN      No, this is not Nazi Germany, but we’re getting ever closer… For those who may not know the history, in Nazi Germany disabled children were forcibly turned into wards of the state; they were the first victims of medicalized murder while their parents were deceived about the “special treatment” they would receive.

ME: AND HERE WE HAVE THE RELIGIOUS LINKING TO ISRAEL: Most of the measles outbreaks in Rockland County have occurred in Jewish communities, where travelers from Israel have allegedly been infected with the measles there. [which means that the vaccines imported to Israel are the same as administered in religious communities in the US]


"The major media dismiss public vaccine policy critics as 'conspiracy theorists', but no conspiracy is required to explain how it can be true that the CDC deceives about vaccines. "Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines

… 60 years of compulsory vaccine policies have not attained herd immunity for any childhood disease. Herd Immunity

*medicalized murder:
Medicalized killing in Auschwitz ncbi.nlm.nih 

Bioethics and anti-bioethics in light of Nazi medicine: what must we remember?  ncbi.nlm.nih

Read More:


Neshama said...

This subject-matter is a very hotly debated issue. There are some for and some against TODAY’S MANIPULATED vaccines. The vaccine history didn’t start out this way. But it has morphed into a type of threat.

When something has been initiated for the health and welfare of people, and then it turns into a threatening menace, and may I say focused on the religious community, someone has to say STOP, let’s really examine this. Why “threats”. Why?

One might think there are nefarious aims by a segment of humanity to force people against their will to submit to the injection of toxins that will in the present and in the future cause irreparable harm. Why? For what purpose? Do we understand the long-range implications?

Anonymous said...

Just mashiah ben David will smell who is really Jewish.
Now i do not know how many real Jews are out there, in Galut, but by what i read from you and some other sources, it appear to me, that there is a war going on out there against the EMUNA AND YIRAT HASHEM.
The one that consume blood and especialy human blood (or parts of body)
---------------) loose the OLAM HABA. ( in vaccines are abortion babies)
Nowhere in the TORAH is allowed to us consume this by way of food, nor VACCINATION.
Beside that, the 'herd immunity' is complete nonense. and actually the vaccinated are risico to the healthy.
In MITZRAIYM we lost 80% plus of our people to the death in CHOSHECH.
Is the history repeating itself in the USA for us?
Or are the real Jews already back home?
There are going to be events in Israel, that will scare the 'fake' Jews here that reside here just for the wrong reasons, and they will leave, voluntary.
What have to happen to OUR people that are out there to get them back?
Back to ERETZ YISRAEL, serving Hashem in real, men doing what they have to do and promissed in Ketuba and the mothers take care of our children to be strong in serving Hashem?
Let the wigs behind, sell them and buy a ticket to survive and stay alive, may it be your NEFESH AND ESPECIALLY YOUR NESHAMA!
It is that or to die in CHOSHECH AGAIN!
They will force you to pass your children true fire to moloh in one way or other.

Anonymous said...

You ask the question, why? The answer is for the two reasons that make the most sense to this wickedness: 1) the pharmaceutials making fortunes of money and 2) depopulation. It's been written about for a long time.
In this case, it is clear anti=semitism because those communities mentioned here have had trouble for a long time with the gvt. such as not happy with their expansion, etc. Guess, H' is showing the Yehudim that it's not that comfortable anymore in the once freest place in the world. The chareidim, I guess, are always wary of going home, especially now when the erev rav are making problems for chareidi girls, forcing their draft into the army, r'l. May H' give every Yid the wherewithal and courage to go home. We really, really need Moshiach Now!

drbsd said...

Vaccines save life’s. And are the greatests discovery in medicine of the 20 century.
Dr. Alberto Sevilla. 30 years pediatrician vacunologist. Haredi Orthodox.

Neshama said...

814 Orna, you said something extremely important. About the fetal parts into the vaccines. This has not been emphasized loud enough. This is their diabolical plan. Like the FINAL SOLUTION. Thank you for highlighting this to our readers. I just may post something about this.

Neshama said...

drbsd, maybe in extreme deadly epidemics. NOT MEASLES. The chickenpocs vaccine causes shingles in many people later in life. I know because it happened to me. Childhood diseases are the natural immunization vehicle and last a lifetime. VACCINES DO NOT.

Neshama said...

Orna, thank you.
Funny, but I also cannot eat FAVA beans! :-)
How I found out? When my (first) lift came to Haifa, I had to go and authorize it.
While I was there (a very long time), I was hungry and went somewhere to eat. What did I order, Fuhl. That’s when I found out I had difficulty digesting it. No more, even though it was delicious.

Thank you again, very important information.

Neshama said...

Orna, add to that penicillin, food dyes.
I’m ok for pure aspirin (which is originally from a herb), but not so tylenol - cannot stomach it.
Aspirin = C9H8O4
Tylenol = C8H9NO2

In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl