09 April 2019


URGENT NOTICE:  Brooklyn, NY - NYC Health Department Declares Public Health Emergency Due To Measles Crisis, City Orders Mandatory Vaccinations For All People In Williamsburg. The de Blasio Administration today declared a public health emergency in select zip codes in Williamsburg, following a measles outbreak affecting the Orthodox Jewish community. As part of the declaration, unvaccinated individuals living in those ZIP codes who may have been exposed to measles will be required to receive the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine in order to protect others in the community and help curtail the ongoing outbreak.
If these "ZIP CODES” are the ONLY unvaccinated,
does that mean EVERYONE ELSE in NYC is vaccinated?
Has the Mayor checked other neighbourhoods for outbreaks?
The Mayor declared: “Measles is a dangerous, potentially deadly disease”. 
It never used to be, until they developed vaccines.

New York City warned Brooklyn yeshivas to keep the order to exclude unvaccinated students from classes or face violations and possible closure.

The order, which includes yeshivas in Borough Park and Williamsburg, was issued in December 2018 and applied to students who were not vaccinated against measles. A Williamsburg yeshiva violating the order has been connected to over 40 measles cases.

Do you know that the vaccines may contain (*human or **animal DNA) *fetal (aborted) tissue substance which is forbidden to Torah Jews?

"Any school out of compliance will immediately be issued a violation," the health department said in a release Monday,

"Most of these measles cases were unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated individuals. There have been no deaths associated with this outbreak, although there have been complications, including 21 hospitalizations and five admissions to the intensive care unit." Most of the measles patients are under 18 years of age.

Since October, Brooklyn has seen 285 measles cases, 246 of them children. [This means they are naturally immunised, and healthy.] According to New York's Health Department, the outbreak began when an unvaccinated child contracted measles while visiting Israel.

"Since then, there have been additional people from Brooklyn and Queens who were unvaccinated and acquired measles while in Israel," the department's website said.

New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said, "As a pediatrician, I know the MMR vaccine is safe and effective."

"This outbreak is being fueled by a small group of anti-vaxxers in these neighborhoods. They have been spreading dangerous misinformation based on fake science [not true].

[I do not believe that the vaccine toxins and animal and human byproducts are FAKE SCIENCE; see footnotes]

"We stand with the majority of people in this community who have worked hard to protect their children and those at risk.

"As Passover approaches, we need to do all we can to ensure more people get the vaccine.” Source Article: arutzsheva 

[On Pesach, Torah Jews clean every scrap of chametz from their homes, are careful to imbibe Kosher L’Pesach foods, and relive Mitzrayim and the Makkos, the remnant walking into the desert, headed to Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, and the laws of kashrus. So now the “authorities” are demanding that parents allow their children, their most precious, and future generation(s) to be injected with horrific vaccine ingredients that defy logic and could cause untold chemical ramifications in the future. There is honest and truthful scientific information to corroborate the fears of Am Yisrael. The solution to all this is CLEAN VACCINES with no alternative agenda included.]

[Why is all this necessary?]

NIH Abstract Summary: The use of fetal tissue from elective abortions is commonplace in the pharmaceutical industry and in medical research. This opinion addresses the licitness, quasi-benefits, and consequences of using fetal tissue from elective abortions in vaccines and in medical research. All people of good conscience have the responsibility to voice opposition to the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions in order to promote development of alternatives, affirm the value of all human life and limit scandal. From NIH et al

** FDA on Bovine Derived Materials Used in Vaccine Manufacturing Questions and Answers

**Controversial products ^used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminium, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains. (^depending on which vaccine).

New York Measles Outbreak 90% Vaccinated (3/2014)
Infectious Outbreaks:

One person from Brooklyn had this to say (about the Mayor’s statement): There have only been 3 measles related deaths in the past 2 decades. That’s approx 1 death in 7 years. I myself know several ppl who died in the past 7 years very shortly after getting their vaccines. Not to mention the many who were severely injured- like those who got cancer and their symptoms started just days or a few short weeks after vaccination. She urges people to do the math, and see which is more dangerous.


Anonymous said...


It is forbidden to take part in this.
Beside that, the first vaccine line was produced from a goy whore who died from having cervical cancer.
These cells where used to produce all vaccines after...albeit in a mutated form.
Do anyone read this and understand????

Not just getting cancer cells into the body from MAVET,
but also
what's the influence on this to our NESHAMA?????
To me it seems that its decided:
WE LEAVE THE GALLUT OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now, dear JEW, if you are still in there in that body....
Do you come, or the fight is lost?
They are targetting you again, this time in the NEW MITZRAIYM to let you be slave and loose your part of Hashem.
Do you wait?
Fot what????
They goyim will not leave you alone.
Are you DEAF???
Hashem speak to you true them:

Anonymous said...

Frightening. The mayor is not much liked and is a socialist progressive. Because of the makeup in such a big city as NY with who knows how many illegals, etc., he was voted in. But, in this day and age, it's all the same. These pols. are all the same. Wonder if this outbreak wasn't somehow purposely made in order to take control of the 'education' in the yeshivas. These demands are something that New Yorkers aren't used to; slowly, they are taking away basic freedoms from the citizens and this is very dangerous. Habaiyitah is the only solution, but easier said than done for many Jews. Why is it that decades ago, vaccines were the real deal and manufactured to prevent whatever disease and not with all the other vile ingredients. Something is rotten!

In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl