10 February 2019

Pere Adam – Pere’: A Wild Donkey – More Animal than Man

Another murder. Where is the outcry
The real answer lies with our political leaders. 
They have to have a backbone. 
They either fix the problem or they get rid of the problem.
How much can the people absorb without exploding?

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked told Channel 13 news Saturday that “the military prosecution needs to ask for the death penalty. . . “We should not hide the truth,” she told the news channel. “He killed Ori because she was a Jewish girl.” timesofisrael

An Israeli woman holds a sign reading "Our blood is not worthless"
during a rally in Tel Aviv on February 9, 2019,
following the murder of 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

The brutal murder of 19 year old Ori Ansbacher has sent shock waves throughout Israel but where is the outcry? This cannot go on. This is not how civilization works.

We do not accept the same old answers. There has to be a reassessment of who we are and where we are going. Ori Ansbacher was murdered not far from the Biblical Zoo in Southwestern Jerusalem.

I got a phone call from a prominent Rabbi about Ori. He was extremely distraught. He was in tears. He was shattered. He was searching for answers.

Unfortunately, the world has become numb to these terrible and devastating murders. The families and friends live in pain the rest of their lives. We, the Jewish People, must act.

This is one of many things that must be corrected. The real answer lies with our political leaders. They have to have a backbone. They either fix the problem or they get rid of the problem.

Since the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, the terror wave has continued unabated. arutzsheva

According to Ynet reporter Elior Levy, citing Palestinian sources, Irfayia is affiliated with the Palestinian terror group Hamas and resides in an area of Hebron where the group has wide support. timesofisrael

[. . .] some 100 people gathered at Jerusalem's Zion Square and called on the government to avenge the murder. "We came here to express our pain ... The was she was murdered is shocking and the entire country must tremble in light of this atrocity,” said Yamit Abramov, a friend of the murdered teen’s family. Dozens of demonstrators also blocked the entrance to Jerusalem, chanting: “The people demand revenge.” ynetnews


Anonymous said...

Have been asking that question for the longest time. Where is the outcry? What is wrong with these Jews; is there no unity even in the matters of life and death where everyone goes about his/her business if it doesn't touch them personally? Mass protests (meaning thousands, not hundreds) need to protest in front of every gov building until these heartless 'leaders (bureaucrats, etc.') get the hint. When there is rachamim on the cruel, you can be sure there will be (and, of course, already is) cruelty on the righteous. Think Erev Rav!!!

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

"Think Erev Rav!!!"

Tell me about it, Anon.

I've been thinking about this issue since at least 1993. Is the world waiting for us to fulfill everything they've been saying about us for years, nay, centuries?

That we are capable of sufficient an ger to rise up and go out to ki ll our enemies with whatever we have, and tell the gove rnment to go to h-e-do uble-hock ey-stic ks? Do we really need to h-i-t them ov er the he ad?

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...