10 February 2019

How Can Mashiach Come??

This is not recent, but watch how the Police are kicking, beating, and throwing Yidden to the ground. Why such anger and hatred toward the religious? They’re not attacking you . . . disobedience? [the refusal to comply with certain laws as a peaceful form of political protest or protesting the police kidnapping a frum Jew to send him to the Army?] What are the Police doing in Meah Shearim?

Israel: Police arrest 28 ultra-Orthodox Jews at anti-conscription protest


Anonymous said...

You can be sure these brutal police are not Yehudim, but are a combination of Erev Rav amaleikim, Arabs and maybe even mercenaries. Who would have believed this insanity when the 'state' came into being in 1948? Where is the PM and the knesset and the totally unJewish court? There is one primary reason for this wickedness and that is the 'secularization' of the Jewish people and the discarding of, c'v, our holy Torah! This war is against G-D! These chareidim were living under the status quo agreement for decades, not bothering the outsiders and now it's full out war against them. H' yerachem! These above videos should be shown in every shul, yeshivah and Jewish organization.

drbsd said...

I don’t like sharing this videos because we live in an uspidedwn world. 98%of the people will think that the police are heroes, and post offensive comments against anyone using a black suit and a black hat without difference. This creates big hillul HaShem. It’s so sad looking jews fighting against each other.. . Besides police don’t care about army, I feel is pure sinat Chinam. Pure hate against people that want to live a Torah way of life.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...