27 February 2019

On The Elections . . . First Thoughts

About the elections by Shalom Pollack

I thought a lot before writing this post because I did not know where to start.

I am sure that this will not be my only writing about the upcoming elections and that there will be more drama before the polls close in less than two months but I would like to share some current thoughts as an "opening shot".

The dust finally settled upon the process of political party mergers and the newest labels and personalities to take the stage

I doubt we will know what many of the actors really believe about major issues as I assume that they do not know themselves. The main thing is that they are in the ring and someone is watching.

Two big stories riveted us until today. One was the creation of a new party led by former chief of staff Benny Ganz ( he declared that he would rather endanger his soldiers than hurt enemy civilians). He called his party, "Hosen Israel". He now belongs to a newer party called "Blue and white" which merged with Yesh Atid" led by Yair Lapid.

As long as I can remember, every election cycle has seen the creation of a new "Centrist" political party that would challenge the traditional Right/Left competition and lead the pack. These parties are always led by relatively popular personalities from without the political world. Generals are the usual candidates.

Until today most have been a one-term phenomenon. Their place is usually taken by another "great hope" in the next round. These generals turned politicians usually contribute nothing remarkable.

Often they do real damage.

If in the past these cameo appearances were meant to challenge the establishment and bring clean politics to the field, lately it is all and only about unseating Netanyahu. They have become the "never Bibi parties". They will never call themselves Left, though most clearly are. Since the Oslo and Expulsion debacles, the word Left is one that most politicians won't touch. Israelis have very bitter memories of their promises and cliches. One never hears the phrases, "land for peace, the peace process, peace partner". These mantras have cost too much blood and many Israelis have woken up. We are witnessing the rapid shrinking of the Left parties. The Labor party of Ben Gurion, Dayan, Peres, and Rabin is no longer a player on the stage. It is dying. This is a truly historical phenomenon; as much as the rise of the Likud and Begin for the first time in 1977.

No one knows remotely what this new political party's policies are. They are carefully keeping their mouths shut. Suffice it that they attract enough Bibi haters to energize their supporters.

I am no fan of Bibi. I can list many unforgivable sins that he has committed starting with his vote in favor of the Expulsions of 2005, pro-Palestinian state, releasing thousands of terrorists - to kill again. Giving away Hevron and more. The list is long.

He has chosen Left parties as his coalition partners ( such as Barak and then Livni) rather than those which his voters wanted - the smaller Right parties. He did this to have someone to blame when he broke his word to his voters. There is a very good chance he will do it again this time. He cannot be trusted.

I would hope that he is prevented from office due to his current legal problems and have someone take his place who hopefully has more of a backbone.

The other story that had us riveted was the merger of the "Jewish power" party of the students of Rabbi Meir Kahane of blessed memory with the" Jewish home" party. This was a merger of political convenience. They needed each other to reach enough votes to win seats in the Knesset. With the union, the polls are showing a gradual rise.

During the negotiations, the "Kahane" party was treated by the establishment with scorn and hate not used for our worst enemies today. They are to be untouchables. We are told that "American Jewry " is also disgusted with the Kahane followers. Are they the same 80% that supported the great friend of Israel - Obama? Yes, they really care.

I know the men running in this party and I know that their number one concern, 24/7 is Am Yisrael. Their deeds prove it. I am familiar with them.

Just as their teacher and rabbi were treated by the media and establishment so were (are) they. They, like the rabbi, are hated by the establishment but loved by far more Israelis than the media would have you think.

Why do the media and establishment hate these guys so?

Why does the name Kahane clearly send them into contortions?

They don't foam at the mouth when the name Arafat is mentioned. Heck, they wined and dined him, including Bibi...Why?

This is an excellent question for psychologists and such to ponder.
Interesting is all I can say.

We do what we can.
In the end, it's up to Him.

"The hearts of kings are in the Hand of God" (Proverbs)

Shalom Pollock


Rachel said...

I have a simple answer to your "why" question. Because if they even so much as think of supporting someone who espouses Torah values, that will dig into their conscience and cause them to consider the possibility that Hashem exists and the Torah is Divine, and this will greatly cramp their yetzer-hara led lifestyle.

Neshama said...

Rachel, you are so nice. However, I doubt the diehard leftists will entertain that idea. In fact, I believe they hate any restrictions and the One who enacted them.

BTW I should have put the authors name at the top. My mistake, because I didn’t write this, Shalom Pollack did.

Rachel said...

Neshama, exactly! That is what I meant. They hate restrictions so they don't even want to admit the possibility of the Torah's validity! I was being far from nice, LOL!

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