08 February 2019

Clarification of Rabbi Winston on Rabbi Kanievsky’s (alleged) Declaration

From Rabbi Winston’s weekly Parashas Terumah (to be posted soon)

"In a recent article in Israel Breaking News in which I was quoted, it mentioned a prediction by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, shlita. According to the Rav, there would be no need for the upcoming Israeli election, since Moshiach will be here by that time, a result in part because of increased action in the north.

"Of course such an article is making the rounds, and some people have contacted me asking if the prediction is authentic. The assumption is that if I am part of the article, I must have signed on because I have verified the quote as being accurate and from Rav Chaim himself.

"Unfortunately, that is not true. Like in most cases, I am simply interviewed individually, and then my comments are added to the article. I was certainly made aware of the quote by Mr. Berkowitz, but I’m pretty sure he did not quite [have] direct verification of the quote as well. 

"It does not mean that Rav Chaim did NOT say what it says in his name. It’s just means that it is hard to know if he said it, or how he said it, and to whom he said it, and why he said it, etc. And if he DID say it, does it count as prophecy and we should prepare for its fulfillment, or was it said as a hope, one which many of us share?"

1 comment:

Lea said...

It has NOT been refuted by Reb Chaim and he has had much time to do so. No one has to verify it in either direction now. Believe or don't. Friends, please remember...NAVUA COMES BACK!!!! BEFORE ELIYAHU HA NAVI'S HERALDING OF THE LONG AWAITED MOSHIACH..

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