28 June 2016

Shocking Statistics – 75 Suicides Since Rosh Hashana

What do we think will happen when at 120 they stand before the Great Judges in Shomayim and the TRUTH is revealed? How could the guilty even dare to think they could get away with such horrendous behavior? The neshomas are victims of insane people, who need to be put away until they reach 120 and finally meet the Great Judges in Shomayim.


First they are listed as Suicides.

TRUTH comes out that they were Drug Victims.

THE REAL TRUTH is – "none of the victims died of a drug overdose they actually died many years earlier when they were molested. A family member of mine is very involved getting help for teens and adults with drug problems. He said 99% of drug attacks in the frum community were molested as a child."

"So its actually not a suicide [OR drug overdose, even if that is the clinical reason], they were murdered by their molester as a child. Until we recognize and identify the true enemy as being molestation not suicide we can’t fix the problem"

BEHIND THE TRUTH – "I’m pretty sure there have been more than 75. I know a 24 year old girl who committed suicide about a week and a half ago, but it’s very much not public. At almost the end of shiva, this other girl ... (whom I know too) also committed suicide. The sad part is there are even more cases that barely anyone knows about because it can ruin family names, it can cause suspicions, it can cause judgement, etc. Just know that 75 families have been public about it but there are probably dozens more who are mourning for the same kind of losses. May they each have an aliyas neshama, and may we only share in simchos."

THE CAUSE – Another Scandal: Another rabbi/educator accused of all kinds of outrageous, inappropriate behavior with female students. Also: The Pied Piper AND Change that needs to take place

THE CURE – Educate all boys and girls about how to protect their minds, bodies, and lives. "All children - not just girls - should be taught how to recognize, avoid, and report sexual predators. Also, teaching them the basics of self-defense wouldn't hurt any. Like learning how to swim (Kiddushin 29a), instruction in self-defense ought to be part of every child's curriculum."

Video a project of Jewish Community Watch

Source on Suicides: YWN
Text in italics are from comments by caring individuals about this sickening behavior and their victims.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no words - disgusted, sickened, GoldieZP

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