14 June 2016

A Flight Into Our Space

A Flight Into Our Space

WSO High Altitude Balloon Flight, Straight Up Camera Angle, on June 11. Each 10 seconds = 60 feet altitude.

You can see the Red Planet almost in every shot, around 9 (on the rising clock) you can see a Green Orb/Planet, then a Huge Orb to the right side around 10:30, 11:20, then after 12 you can see Several Orbs/Planets. [I tried but could not make these videos conform to blog diameters]

The following two videos show the Weather Disturbances across Europe and Asia – – mostlikely from approaching and retreating of the Nibiru Sun/Planet Bodies and their affects on Earth’s Atmosphere.

This video is weird and I cannot account for the authenticity of it, but nevertheless it is very unusual in its purported purpose [UFO escorted by Jet Fighters over US military base in Turkey (Incirlik)? ]:


Anonymous said...

All it is a testing of something they are trying out (a new aero-something they invented) to look like a flying saucer of some kind. There is no such thing as a UFO.

Neshama said...

thank you for your comment. that may be so, however, it is surely strange when you add this to several other sightings and the mysterious Area 51 in the US. But why in Turkey? Turkey is NO FRIEND to the world. and if you are wrong, won’t you be thoroughly surprised and alarmed?

Anonymous said...

As a believing Jew, I know there are no aliens. G-D created this world for the human race (for the Jewish people and His Torah and thus to also be a light to the nations).

There might be planets with organisms, but not intelligent beings.
We believe that there are angels (G-D's servants) and that is something else altogether.

Believe the stories of aliens and area 51, etc. are promoted as a sort of control on humanity by the powers that be. Fear is the best control.

Neshama said...

I shall try to find sources that could relate to other beings in other universes; there are other ones.

AND YES this too is the creation of the G–D of the entire World that includes many and vast universes, as Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l wrote, and I published. There are other wise men who think so.

Neshama said...

Also, there have been many sophisticated airplanes (F 16s, F 18s, and Russian planes) that have fallen from the sky without being shot at or suffering malfunction.

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